Time to check in. January is almost over, and I am happy to report that I haven't purchased any fabric. It has been extremely difficult for me, especially during this trip. I have pinpointed my weak spots - loneliness and boredom. I tend to buy when I am alone at night after the kids have gone to bed and when my DH is travelling. I miss him and don't have him there as a distraction from the buy now button.
And wasn't the Great De-stash on Instagram a pain? For those of you with the willpower and fortitude to actually just de-stash and not buy, all the power too you. I don't have that discipline, and was sorely tempted every time I opened Instagram. I had to turn it off to survive.
While on my trip, I have really struggled too. My body has clung to West Coast time and after I leave Gram and go to my room, I am up for hours trying to make myself sleepy and what am I doing? Surfing the internet of course. I try really hard to stay away from the actual online fabric store sites, but catching up on my blog reading is almost as bad since many people are sharing their latest purchases or projects with new, fabulous fabric. I've also been making mental lists of all the projects I want to get started on when I get home, some of which may need some supplemental fabric (or not). I am literally starting to twitch a bit thinking about it.
Then of course, there is the fact that I am a total CHEATER. I pre-ordered some fabric back in November, before I signed up for this challenge, and it arrived the day before I left. Lovely, new, beautiful fabric that I can't wait to cut into when I return. I am hoping that the promise of doing just that will help me make it a few more days.
Ahhhhhhh! (twitch, twitch) If you are imagining me sitting at the computer twitching and gnawing at my fingers as if to free them from an invisible trap enclosing them, you might be accurate.
In other news, I have also managed not to buy any more Craftsy classes, and have even been watching some of the ones I already have late at night while I try to settle down.
Thanks for reading,