Saturday, August 31, 2013

August progress report and September goal setting

I've been performing a bit of an experiment the last few weeks.  Rather than trying to stick to any one project from start to finish, I've been working on whatever strikes my fancy that particular day.  I've been surprised how much I've gotten accomplished considering some days I've only had 30 minutes or less at the sewing machine.

August UFO's:
  • Catch up on Star of Africa Bee Blocks -  I finished 2 of the 5 I needed to finish.  I am really stuck on executing my idea for a postcard inspired one.  My idea just won't let me move on.  I have to figure out a way to do what I want.Star of Africa block for Cindy
  • Finished my Sewing Mat - DONE!Sewing Mat finish
  • Swoon - I have 6 blocks done!  I think the cutting is what takes forever on these.  Now that I have most of the cutting done for the remaining blocks, I think the rest will come together quickly.  I especially delight in how each one looks when finished, so I am eager to work on this project.
August NewFO's
  • small projects - I didn't finish a one!
  • QAYG bag - I finished this one.  I think I am going to alter the pattern for the next one.Tinker Tote front

September UFO's:
  • Summerville DP blocks - I doubt anyone will remember these, but I haven't done anything with them since I made them.  My Lazy Bum secret partner has decreed this to be my project for the month's challenge.  So, I need to assemble these blocks into something, but I'm not sure what yet.  They were originally supposed to be potholders, and perhaps that is the best thing for them to become.  I am going to play around a little with possible layouts for something else.  Perhaps one will strike my fancy.Summersville DP
  • Swoon - I would really like to get 6 more blocks done.Swoon block 4
September NewFO's
  • Commission quilt - I've taken on a commission quilt for a friend.  I would like to get the top completed this month.  The pattern looks easy enough, but I think the cutting will take forever.  I better get started on it.
  • 60 degree ruler mini quilt - I've already started this one and I've promised a tutorial for Wednesday, Sept. 4th.  So it might be my first finish of September.
That about wraps it up!

Thanks for reading today as I list myself into a frenzy,


Linking up with:
My Button



  1. You had a great month Jen! So many pretty projects... they are all favorites of mine.

  2. Like you the how rather than the what takes up most.of my time with the SoA blocks. Loving your Swoon blocks look forward to seeing more of them.

  3. Very cute projects. I really like your sewing mat. Great idea. Thanks for linking up.

  4. You know - I have to agree about the Swoon blocks taking so long in the cutting phase. I'm doing mine in a colored color palette, but that still means that I'm not cutting much out of any single fabric.

    And the fabric you've used is lovely!

  5. Oh my goodness, that sewing mat is wonderful, I think I need to get started on one. Swoon does seem to take a lot of time, but get past the cutting and it goes faster. Your bag is amazing!

  6. What would you alter on the tote? clever idea for the mat

  7. Great projects! I think you're on the right track, switching off on projects so nothing gets boring or tedious.

  8. Terrific Projects. I don't feel so guilty now. As I was cleaning up before surgery, I kept finding another project I set aside. I am all organized now, waiting for the DR's. go ahead for sewing! Can't wait.

  9. Always work on what makes you happy! Good luck with your goals!

  10. Working on what you feel like, sounds like a great way to get things done! I have a few "obligation" pieces to get out of the way, and then I think I will take up your strategy! Lovely projects! I really like that sewing mat. I just recently made a similar block to your last one for a quilting bee. I like the monochromatic look!

  11. Enjoyed your post - you made a follower of me!!


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