Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My first Swoon Block - WIP Wednesday

Wow!  This week really has me running around with the girls.  Ashley has golf camp and started diving lessons this week.  She is so funny to watch, constantly giggling with her 2 front teeth missing.  Today is also her birthday and one of the golf instructors brought mini-cupcakes for the entire camp to celebrate with her.  So nice.  Later tonight we will have another cake to celebrate.  Something I thought I would never say.....I am actually growing quite tired of cake, this is our 3rd in a month's time.

I'm still making progress toward my goals for the end of the month.  For example.....

My first Swoon

I finished my first Swoon block!  Not this one isn't actually part of the quilt I intend to make, but instead it is going to be the base for my sewing machine mat.  I'm vaguely using the tutorial at Katie's Quilting Corner, but I'm making it personal.  I'm going to incorporate some of my favorite blocks and quilt my own fabric (Katie's tutorial uses pre-quilted fabric to make it extra fast).  I'm using an Essex linen and some leftovers from a Sew Stitchy layer cake.

It is true that this Swoon will essentially be covered up by my machine, but I will know it is there and it will make me feel happy.  I will be adding some other little favorites to the rest of the mat soon.

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Those Swoon blocks are pretty big; just how big is her sewing machine?"  Well, I made the Swoon a little smaller, and my machine is pretty big with it's quilting table attached.  I wanted my mat to fit under it as well, see....

Sewing mat WIP

It will be a perfect fit when it's done.

You can also see the other WIP I am working on in this photo - that's the back of Gigantor in the background.  She has all the SID on her major seams done and I'm going to start FMQ the rest of her tomorrow.  Hooray!

Friday will be a no-sew day as Lizzy's class is off to Disneyland to celebrate preschool graduation.  Ashley and I are tagging along as well.

This Wednesday...

Completed Projects:
  • Bee Blocks - We Bee Learning (1 block for a total of 2), 
  • Ironing Board Cover DONE - oh this one was so needed.  I actually ripped a hole in my old one.  
On-going Projects:

AKA - "stuff I plan to touch this week or next".
  • Bee Blocks & BOM blocks - Lucky Star BOM (2 blocks), 
  • Star of Africa Bee - March (has been started!), April and now June blocks need to be completed.  
  • Gigantor aka Impromptu QAL - quilting in progress.
  • Swoon - cutting in progress.  I have all my colors cut, but need to do my background.
  • June for Jen items - sewing machine mat in progress
Back, Back, Back Burner:

These will likely be touched sometime in the future - I should really rename this category to "I want to remember that I have these projects, but realistically they won't be touched till 2015 because I'm too busy doing other stuff"
  • Beginner Quilt Along at Quilting Gallery - I stopped piecing the backing.  I realized it wasn't going to be quite big enough and would actually be better off being a top for charity.  So, I went to Joann's and bought a few yards of backing fabric on sale.  One big seam should do it, but I gotta sit down and find time.
  • Discontinuity 2 - gotta make it bigger for big girl bed.  On hold for now.
  • Curves Class goodies - there are a few more projects I want to try, but they are on hold for now.   
This week's stats:
Completed projects - 1 plus blocks
New projects - 0
Currently in Progress - 5 ish

Don't forget to link up any blocks you have been working on to the Building Blocks Tuesday post.  It stays open for a whole week.

My Facebook page for Quilter in the Closet.  I am up to 7 likes!

And as always, thanks for reading,


Quilter in the Closet

Linking up with

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Granny Square Goodness - Building Blocks Tuesday

We Bee Learning Granny Squares

I finally got to try out Granny Squares!  The Queen Bee for the We Be Learning Bee for June wanted these fun blocks in bright colors.  We used the tutorial here at Blue Elephant Stitches using 2.5 inch squares.  I had a few leftover squares of Good Fortune from the Gigantor quilt, so I made the one on the right, but then struggled picking fabrics for the other.  Orange is still bright in my book, but what to pair it with....I obviously ended up with purple and I assure you those purples are a little brighter in person.

I recently folded up my stash of Flea Market Fancy.  I originally thought a granny square quilt with those fabrics would be great, and folding them up made me think so even more.  So don't be surprised if you finally see me cut into my FMF this fall and do a little more granny square action.

So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.  And spread the word!

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


A place where you can link up all those fabulous blocks you've been working on this week

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Happy Things" Art with the kids - Inspirational Sunday

It's been a while since I showed you some of the art projects that Ashley and I completed through the art program at her school this year.

For those of you who are new readers to the blog, I volunteer at my daughter's school as an art teacher.  Art was taken out of the curriculum due to budgetary issues and it is only through PTA funding and parent volunteers that our kids have art now.  We only have 6 projects each year, and I shared them with you last year and want to share this year's projects too.  I find these projects very inspirational, even though not all of them can be applied to the quilting arts.  Just search the label "art with kids" on the bottom right for last year's projects.  OR you can go to the official South Bay Hands on Art Blog.

Now just because I volunteer as a docent, does NOT mean that I am any good.  But as I said, I do find the lessons inspirational and I hope you will too.

The project I am going to share with you today was based on the work of Romero Britto.   We were instructed to think of something that made us happy and try to draw a rough sketch of it.  We then segmented the page and colored it in with different bright colors.  The kids really enjoyed this project because of the bright colors and the coloring with pastels.

The dividing of the page, makes me think of the stack and slash methods out there.  It would be cool to try to figure out a way to make a quilt like that with an actual picture of something and not have the seam allowances mess it up.  I suppose it would depend highly on the picture.

The beach makes me happy, so that is what I drew.

My Britto Happy Thing

But I think Ashley's "good thing" makes me even happier, especially since I received it as part of my Mother's Day gift this year.

Ashley's Britto Happy Thing

So sweet!  Next week, I will show you our attempts at Picasso.

Speaking of painting like Picasso and in other art news, Craftsy announced yesterday that they are adding a Fine Art category of classes to their library.  There are several classes, but I think I might try out the Perspectives in Landscape Drawing class.  Who knows, I might want to start with just trying to draw a little every day.  I hear people really improve themselves just by doing that simple thing.

I've also been listening to a bunch of podcasts lately.  I'm a regular subscriber to Katie's Quilting Corner, but also recently found Quilting for the Rest of Us, and Hip to Be Square.  Do you know of any other good AND current ones?  I found some good ones, but they stopped podcasting or haven't had an episode in a really long while.  I am in the car a ridiculous amount of time during the day, driving the kiddos around to their activities.  Seriously!  So much time, I now have a "trucker tan", one arm and one side of my neck are a different color than the other sides.  I found audio books would make me zone out a little too much, but quilty podcasts are just right!  So tell me which ones you like and why.

Thanks for reading,


Craftsy Fine Art

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gigantor basting day - WIP Wednesday

Today, I basted, the quilt I am now calling "Gigantor".  It is my Impromptu quilt that I made more king sized for my bed.  It is huge!  Just look at my poor little basting's drowning in quilt.

my basting table is drowning

In case you missed it in the picture above, my assistant was at the ready.

Basting assistant

I don't think I ever showed you guys the finished disappearing nine patch blocks.

Impromptu block

I really like how they turned out, though that skinny sashing was a little temperamental.

Ah yes, a parting shot of my lovely assistant doing her job.

Tookie helping me baste

Now that is a pose for "Pets on Quilts" if I ever saw one.

This Wednesday...

Completed Projects:
  • Bee Blocks - Simply Solids (1 block), Make it Modern (2 blocks)
  • Handstitched Medallion Quilt - I'm just did the SID this month, hand quilting will still be in progress
On-going Projects:

AKA - "stuff I plan to touch this week or next".
  • Bee Blocks & BOM blocks - We Bee Learning (1 block done, 1 to go) , and Lucky Star BOM (2 blocks), 
  • Star of Africa Bee - March, and April, and now June blocks need to be completed.  
  • Gigantor aka Impromptu QAL - Top is done! Oh my is it HUGE! Basting in progress.
  • Swoon - cutting has commenced!
  • June for Jen items - ironing board cover, sewing machine mat and cover.
Back, Back, Back Burner:

These will likely be touched sometime in the future - I should really rename this category to "I want to remember that I have these projects, but realistically they won't be touched till 2015 because I'm too busy doing other stuff"
  • Beginner Quilt Along at Quilting Gallery - Piecing the backing is in progress
  • Discontinuity 2 - gotta make it bigger for big girl bed.  On hold for now.
  • Curves Class goodies - there are a few more projects I want to try, but they are on hold for now.   
This week's stats:
Completed projects - blocks plus SID
New projects - 0
Currently in Progress - 5 ish

Don't forget to link up any blocks you have been working on to the Building Blocks Tuesday post.  It stays open for a whole week.

Oh!  And, I put together a Facebook page for Quilter in the Closet.  I am up to 3 likes!

And as always, thanks for reading,


Quilter in the Closet

Linking up with

 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Churning Butter - Building Blocks Tuesday

Make it Modern June for Jamie

Today's block is an oldie, but a goodie.  The simple churn dash.  I was a bit surprised to see this pop up in my Make it Modern Bee, but I am rather pleased that I got a chance to reacquaint myself with this block.  Jamie asked for churn blocks in butter yellow and black.  We got to choose which one went where.  The tutorial we all used is here at Stash Bee, if you are interested in making your own.  There is a beautiful picture of a rainbow churn dash quilt at Emily's site.  I think Jamie's will turn out fantastic too.

So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.  And spread the word!

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


A place where you can link up all those fabulous blocks you've been working on this week

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pink rose - Modern Mini Challenge

I'm doing it! Today is the last day to link up an entry for the Modern Mini Challenge at Ellison Lane.

Say it With Flowers

When Jennifer announced that she was going to host the challenge again, I had a fabulous idea and it was definitely challenging. But life got I the way, as it frequently does, and I had to put my great idea (and fully drawn out pattern) away for another time. I was a little bummed out. Then, I realized I just finished a challenging mini quilt!

So, I submit my pink rose for the challenge.  It is 23.5 inches square and is from a pattern of Melinda Bula from her Book Cutting Garden Quilts .  While I put together some of this pattern previously using her fusible technique, the thread play to finish it was a completely new to me technique until a couple of weeks ago. And boy, did I find it challenging.  I just hope it is considered modern enough.

Say it With Flowers Close Up

Despite the challenges, finishing this one up made me hanker for more. I've been considering her clematis and coneflower patterns. They sure would be fun to do if I could only find a spot on the calendar to squeeze them in!

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hello. My name is Jen, and I am a......

Hello.  My name is Jen, and I am (among other things) a Craftsy junkie.  No, it's true.  So much so, that I recently became a Craftsy affiliate so I could tempt the rest of you to join me.


What does being an affiliate mean exactly?  I am still figuring that out, but I hope that it means that I will be able to share some great deals to you.  A dirty little secret of my Craftsy addiction is that I have managed to take most of the classes without paying full price.  Craftsy has some amazing sales at certain times of the year (coming soon), and I have taken advantage of links provided by other Craftsy affiliates that gave me discounts on a class I was interested in at the time.  Each affiliate seems to have different links to share.  I hope that I will be able to pass along some deals you might be interested in.  Yes, I will get a small commission on any class you sign up for through my links.  I plan to use any money to offset shipping costs, etc. for more giveaways.  I doubt it will be any significant amount of funds, but I believe in transparency here at my blog, so I am telling you this up front, especially since it is about time I start reviewing some of the classes I have taken (which is quite a few at this point).

Like other things on my blog, if I find value in something, I want to share it with you.  My reviews are MY reviews.  Craftsy doesn't tell me what to say or push me to show things in a favorable light.  I pledge to tell you the truth.  At the moment, I haven't taken a bad class.  It might happen one day, and if it does, I will tell you about it.

Why Craftsy?

  • It is convenient - classes available 24/7
  • Wonderful content - whether you are solely interested in quilting or you also knit, crochet, bake, or sew.  There are all kinds of classes
  • FREE content - yep, I said Free!  I've already shown you some of the free patterns I have found on Craftsy (here and here), but there are also free classes!

You just can't beat the convenience of Craftsy classes.  I can watch them for a few minutes before I fall asleep at night, or I can play the videos on my iPad while I sew.  If I have an internet connection, I can be taking a class.  You gotta love that!  And the classes are there for me forever.  I can watch them as many times as my little heart desires.

The classes are excellent.  Since I've had the pleasure of taking a few classes at big quilt shows, I feel I can compare the experiences now.  Of course, for some techniques, having someone stand over you and show you the right way is great, especially if you have trouble with a particular technique.  But for most things, a video is sufficient, and it is not like you don't get any interaction on Craftsy.  If it is a paid class, the instructor will respond to any questions you post to the platform.  In the free classes, your questions/comments are responded to by fellow students.

This past January I took a class at a quilt show from Cindy Needham.  I have also taken her Craftsy class, Design it, Quilt It. (I believe this link gives you 25% off her class).  Both classes are amazing, with similar content, BUT I felt like her Craftsy class actually had more content.  I think this might be because in a video lesson, the instructor doesn't have to stop what he/she is doing to answer questions right then or walk around the room to see what everyone is doing.  YOU can stop the video whenever you wish, rewind, fast forward, etc.  You don't have to wait for the student next to you to "get it" before the class progresses.

If you are looking for a class about Free Motion Quilting that covers everything from the basics, to using stencils, and even some more advanced techniques about layering motifs, this is the class for you.  And there is so much eye candy, it is almost like going to a mini quilt show in each lesson.
Online Quilting Class

BUT, maybe you aren't interested in paying for online classes right now.  That's cool.  I just want to mention that Craftsy has a LOT of free content too.  Yes, you have to sign up for an account, but that is free too.   Craftsy has free classes as well as a bunch of free patterns that have been uploaded by designers.  One of the best free Craftsy classes I have taken was by Elizabeth Hartman called Creative Quilt Backs.  I have used several of the techniques she discusses in the class to make my quilt backs.

Online Quilting Class

There are also two Block of the Month programs available for FREE!  The 2012 BOM was hosted by Amy Gibson.  The blocks were fabulous and taught me a bunch of new techniques.  We are half way through the 2013 BOM with Laura Nownes, and it is proving to be pretty fabulous too.

Online Quilting Class

Maybe you are a pattern designer and don't know how to get your patterns to other quilters, Craftsy could be great for you!  Unlike some of the other websites out there that allow you to sell things, Craftsy doesn't charge you a commission to list/sell your patterns.  If you are interested in this aspect of Craftsy, go to Craftsy, click on the patterns tab, click on add a pattern, then read what you need to know!  I haven't tried it yet, but I hope to soon.

Now, I don't want you regular readers to worry.  I am not going to plug Craftsy every day.  I have at least 7 classes that I have completed (and about 7 more that I haven't completed) that I would like to write reviews for while I am on vacation in July, and I plan on making a page at the top of the blog to summarize these reviews.  I know there are some fabulous sales coming up soon too, so of course I will let you know about that when it happens.  But, the day to day here on the blog (I almost wrote "here on the farm") won't change.  I still have way too many projects on my "to-do list", and a whole bunch of new things I want to try, and well, life too.

On that note, the Tooth Fairy forgot to come 2 nights in a row.  I don't know what I was thinking (or not thinking).  Thankfully, an email to the Head of Tooth Fairy Relations and a swift reply took care of any hurt feelings.  Evidently the floods in Germany caused their TAFONS (Tooth About to Fall Out Notification System) to be damaged and the poor little fairies are having to do everything manually and are a little behind schedule.  Also, our regular Tooth Fairy, Margaret, was off on a rescue mission to free some fairies that had been trapped by an evil villain.  It's true (almost)!  I have an email to prove it.  Anyway, the intern Tooth Fairy had better get to visiting us tonight, so I will say goodnight.

Thanks for reading,


Juggling oranges - Building Blocks Tuesday

Sometime yesterday, I realized that I didn't have any new blocks to show today.   I barely had any time to sew since last Wednesday and when I got a chance here and there, I worked on finishing up my Impromptu blocks.  I am almost done with those.  Luckily, the June Simply Solids block was easy, peasy.

Simply Solids June

The Queen Bee for the month asked that we make 2 of these big blocks using the instructions at the Moda Bake Shop by Jeni Baker from In Color Order.  She asked for solids in grey, aqua, turquoise (which is really similar to aqua, right?) and orange.  Now, I know I have mentioned on this blog that orange is not my favorite color, but I have bought plenty of orange fabrics because other people do like it and it is frequently requested in the bees I participate in.  Well, imagine my surprise when I went to my stash to complete these blocks and found that I only had 2 solid oranges to choose from.  2!  I have well over a dozen orange prints, but this is a solids bee.  I had plenty of aquas and at least 50 shades of grey, but only 2 oranges.  So of course, she got them both!

I'm going to go try to press that horrendous crease out of that grey block - where do these things come from between downstairs in the sewing room to where I photograph my blocks upstairs near the window??

So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.  And spread the word!

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

New beds need new quilts, right? - WIP Wednesday

It's been a few weeks since I gave a WIP Wednesday report and I have a whole bunch of things going on right now.

I've spent the last few days preparing Olivia's room for some new furniture.  That entailed moving some furniture to storage, a few trips to the Salvation Army donation site, and a lot of just moving stuff around.  I've now added a couple of Advil to my daily diet.

If you ask her, Olivia says she's not ready for a big girl bed, but she's getting one anyway.  She's been in a toddler bed for almost a year.  Between the recommendation that we show that room with a real bed in it when we are ready to sell our condo, and a perfectly timed visit from my mother (who needs a bed to sleep in too), we went ahead and bought beds (yes bed(s)) for her room.  I am an advocate for buying bunk beds, but then keeping them as twin beds until your kids are old enough for bunks.  Since I only have 3 kids, this gives us an extra bed for sleepovers or guests of the larger variety.  Hmm, new beds need new quilts, right?

I'm also teaching my last two art classes for the year at the elementary school this week.  My kids will finally learn how to paint like Picasso!  We are emulating some of his later work when he painted views outside the window of his Cannes villa.  Oddly, there are more birds painted inside the window, than the view outside and they are part of our study.  I will post pictures when Ashley's class is done.

What little sewing time I've had the past few days has been spend on the Impromptu QAL.  I got all my cutting done, the larger blocks complete, the 9 patches complete and have just started making them disappear!  Here are some not so special pics of the blocks so far.

Impromptu WIP - big blocks

Impromptu WIP - 9 patches

This pattern is coming together so quickly that more than once I've thought about adding a few blocks to make it king sized for my bed.  It would certainly go with the June for Jen theme as I currently don't have a quilt for my own bed!  And I just adore this Good Fortune fabric by Kate Spain, even the orange in it.  I guess I will see how the rest of the construction goes and contemplate whether or not I can really quilt a king sized quilt with my machine.

This Wednesday...

Completed Projects:
  • Bee Blocks - Guild BOM blocks (2 blocks)
  • Star of Africa - February Block is DONE!
  • Quilt for Hands 2 Help Charity Drive - DONE!
  • Item for the "Say it with Flowers" Blog Hop - DONE!  see it here
On-going Projects:

AKA - "stuff I plan to touch this week or next".
  • Bee Blocks & BOM blocks - Simply Solids (1 blocks), We Bee Learning (1 block), Make it Modern (2 blocks), and Lucky Star BOM (2 blocks), 
  • Star of Africa Bee - March, and April, and now June blocks need to be completed.  I ran out of Steam a Seam (my go to fusible) and Joann's was actually OUT of it.  I bought something else, but I am not sure how it will go.
  • Handstitched Medallion Quilt - I'm just doing some SID this month, hand quilting will still be in progress.
  • Impromptu QAL - Cutting is done, piecing is in progress.  This one is really coming together quickly!
  • Swoon - cutting has commenced!
  • Do I want to make a mini for the Modern Mini challenge??  That's just crazy, right?
  • June for Jen items - ironing board cover, sewing machine mat and cover.
Back, Back, Back Burner:

These will likely be touched sometime in the future - I should really rename this category to "I want to remember that I have these projects, but realistically they won't be touched till 2015 because I'm too busy doing other stuff"
  • Beginner Quilt Along at Quilting Gallery - Piecing the backing is in progress
  • Discontinuity 2 - gotta make it bigger for big girl bed.  On hold for now.
  • Curves Class goodies - there are a few more projects I want to try, but they are on hold for now.   
This week's stats:
Completed projects - 2 plus blocks
New projects - 4 WOW!
Currently in Progress - 7 ish

Don't forget to link up any blocks you have been working on to the Building Blocks Tuesday post!  Oh!  And, I put together a Facebook page for Quilter in the Closet.  I'm not entirely sure what I will do with it yet, other than post random thoughts, but "Like" it if you want.

And as always, thanks for reading,


Quilter in the Closet

Linking up with
 WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Monday, June 3, 2013

Stop to Smell the Roses - Say it With Flowers Blog Hop Stop

Oh, no! It's the last day of the Say it With Flowers Blog Hop :(  I hope you have been enjoying all the fabulous creations like I have.

For my day on hop, I chose to dig out one of my oldest UFO's, a flower.  It was from a class I took at the Road to California Quilt Show in 2011 (I think, maybe it was 2010!).  Melinda Bula taught her technique from her book, Cutting Garden Quilts (which has just been re-printed recently, totally worth the read).  My "Fusible Rose" was born, but remained unfinished from then until now!

I believe when I last posted about it, it looked like this:

Fusible rose

Well now it is all finished and looks like this!

Say it With Flowers

My how that background makes it pop, no?  It measures about 23 inches square.

I'm rather thankful that it is done.  That border gave me some trouble, and I hadn't even started the "thread play" at the time.  In many ways, it is probably good that I waited so long to finish this one up.  If it hadn't been for the Free Motion Quilting Challenge last year at  Insights from SewCal Gal, I am not sure I would have been brave enough to attempt the thread play.  It took a little getting used to, and more than once I forgot which way my petals were supposed to be bending.  But I hope you will agree that it turned out alright.

Say it With Flowers Close Up

I haven't decided yet what my flower is saying.  Is it saying, "Happy Birthday, Mom", or "Thank You Teacher for a great year" or "Best MIL Ever"?  Maybe it is none of those.  Perhaps it is saying, "Don't forget to stop and smell the roses", which I try to do, from time to time......

I hope you will join me in visiting some of the other stops on the blog hop today.  Here is the list for today and yesterday too (in case you missed them).

June 3rd

June 4th

As always, thanks for reading!


To each their own - Building Blocks Tuesday (the early edition)

The Early Edition, since I will be a stop on tomorrow's "Say it With Flowers" Blog Hop.  I hope you will pop in to say hello.

Anyhoo... I never did showcase the wonky pinwheels I made for the We Bee Learning Bee in May.  Here they are:

We Bee Learning May

The Queen Bee for the month asked for "bright and cheery", and I'm not sure I accomplished that.  That cheddar sure is bright, and I think the red floral is cheery, but I'm not sure about the rest.  I hope she liked them in the end.

I must admit I didn't enjoy the construction process on this one.  You make a set of strips, cut them into squares, then cut them on the diagonal.  I still have trouble sewing skinny strips together, then when you cut on the diagonal and all those bias edges are on the exterior of the block - whew!  Mine all came out to size, but I am glad I am not the one sewing them together from this point.  To each their own!!

So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.  And spread the word!

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


A place where you can link up all those fabulous blocks you've been working on this week

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Fresh Sewing Day

Looks like a month of birds, blocks and bees....

May finishes Mosaic

1. Jungle Path, a baby boy quilt, 2. Paper Pieced Bluebird, 3. Robin, a McKenna Ryan pattern, 4. We Bee Learning May, 5. Simply Solids May, 6. Make it Modern May - for Sarah, 7. Make it Modern May - for Audrey, 8. Hands2Help 2013 - blue and white Jacob's Ladder, 9. Gram's house block for Fiona

Hey, I didn't say "birds and the bees", get your minds out of the gutter people!

As I mentioned yesterday, I feel pretty good about what I accomplished in May:
  • The mom who I gave the Jungle Path quilt to, loved it!  As did some of the other ladies at the shower.
  • I had so much fun participating in the "It's for the Birds" Blog Hop
  • I made some fun bee blocks
  • I finished my Hands2Help quilt (early, I might add!)
  • and I took a trip down memory lane creating a block that looks like my grandparents house, for Fiona
It was a good month!  I hope June will be just as fun, productive, and colorful.

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with:

Lily's Quilts Fresh Sewing Day

Lily's Quilts