Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July progress and August goal setting

I'm skipping WIP Wednesday today, despite having something in the works.  As it is the last day of the month, I am posting a progress report instead.  These reports are probably more helpful to me, and less interesting to you, so bare with me....

July UFO's
  • Finish "Gigantor" - DONE!!
  • Baste Beginner QAL quilt - Uh....not so done.  I did cut out the batting today and pieced the backing, so hopefully I will get this basted in the next few days.  My attention is drawn elsewhere at the moment (no surprise).
Helpers turned models (Gigantor quilt)
The "Gigantor" quilt

July New FO's
  • Bring some kind of hand project with us on vacation - I opted for some more Sashiko coasters rather than hexies.  The problem was, when given a choice between stitching and taking a nap while on vacation.  I chose to take naps.  Thus, only one little coaster got finished and another is barely started.  I am not particularly pleased with the stitching on this one.  I could blame Olivia for climbing in my lap every time I started one of these, but that would only be partially true.  I find that it takes a coaster or two to really get a good rhythm; clearly I haven't yet.  Sashiko coaster WIP
  • Have fun - DONE!

August UFO's

I recently joined the Lazy Bum group on Flickr, which is a UFO busting group, and I am waiting to see what the August challenge is.  Regardless, my priorities really need to be in this order:
  • Catch up on Star of Africa Bee Blocks - I am 5 blocks behind so this really needs to be my #1 priority.  I have ideas for the 3 oldest ones, one of which is really ambitious.  So cross your fingers for me.
  • Finish my Sewing Mat - this one is almost cheating because I am nearly done.  I decided I want to add some hand quilting to it, but then all I have to do is assemble and bind it.Sewing mat WIP
  • Swoon - I've done a lot of cutting for this one and assembled a couple of flying geese, but I really want to get going on this one.
August NewFO's
  • small projects - I am fresh out of goodies to give to friends, so I need to make some more.
  • QAYG bag - I finished my class for this project and am itching to do one, like NOW.
There are going to be plenty of "Camp Mommy" days in August, so this might be too ambitious a list, but that would be nothing new around here.  I always seem to be more optimistic about what can be accomplished in a day than is actually possible.

Please tune in later this week for more of my musings.  Mixed in with my normal ramblings, I may have a giveaway announcement!

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with:
My Button


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Piece and quiet - Building Blocks Tuesday

Ah, back to our regularly scheduled programming.  I was so happy yesterday, to finally get a chance to sit down at my machine in peace and quiet.  Ashley and Lizzy are at gymnastics day camp, and Olivia is back at preschool, allowing me to get caught up on laundry, mail, AND a couple bee blocks.  So I pieced in the quiet - Ha!

Here is the one I made for Rachel for July's Simply Solid's bee.

July Simply Solids for Rachel

It has a Art Deco feeling to me, but maybe that has more to do with the colors??

It is called The Marine's Star and you can find the instructions at Quilters Cache and Rachel was kind enough to do a mini tutorial for us too on her blog Sew Happily Ever After.

In other news, my vacation was lovely, but it is over.  It's funny, you can only lay around by the pool for so long before your mind begins to actually THINK.  We were there for a while, so I had lots of thinking time.  What was on my mind most often was this blog (what I am doing with it and what I want to do with it in the future), and of course my quilting (what the heck is my style, do I want to focus or be a free spirit, etc.).  Don't worry, I don't think there will be any dramatic changes overnight (though a face-lift of my blog might occur one night), these things take time.

But enough of that blah, blah, blah.  What have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Quilting Fitness - reviews of another sort

Today, I'm going to wander off the quilty-path a bit and talk about something that most of us want to avoid -- fitness.  We all KNOW it is good for us, but with the exception of a rare few people, most of us would rather spend time behind our sewing machines than on a treadmill.  Frankly, I don't blame anyone for wanting to do that!  I mean hey, I pump my iron, right?  But, whether it be January 1st the year after you turn 30, or perhaps after someone asks when you are expecting another little one when you aren't pregnant, at some point the idea pops into your head that you could be doing more to be in better health.  Enter a desire to eat better and get fit.

For me, eating better comes and goes depending on how busy we are, and how much my husband travels.  I have a much easier time preparing a good home cooked meal when I can count on another grown up to eat some of it.  The kids, well, they are kids.  One minute broccoli is their favorite, then next, they don't want to look at it.  It is frustrating.  So, I will skip pontificating about eating better.

With getting fit though, there is something I can chat about!  And you can too, with other quilters even (more on that to come).

Before vacation, I was lazily restarting to run, encouraged by the lovely Esther from Threads on the Floor who had recently done the same.  Workouts were rather sporadic at best.  I also got some app tips from Katie of Katie's Quilting Corner and thought I would try out one of them while on vacation.

If you have a smart phone, apps can really help you keep track of your activities, goals and let you connect with others.  Some of the apps are also friendly with one another!  The following reviews are not-sponsored, just my opinions.

My Fitness Pal

One such app is the My Fitness Pal app and website.

My Fitness Pal is a free app on iTunes.  The mobile app allows you to keep a food diary, log in exercise, even keep track of how much water you drink.  It will also give you "reports" of your progress toward your goals.  Also, you can find friends or join a group to receive and give encouragement to one another.  There is a group on My Fitness Pal called "Fit Quilters".  Katie is a member of this group.

Fit Bit

I also have a fit bit.  A fit what?  A Fit Bit.  A tiny little pedometer that you can order through their website here.  The pedometer (called the Fit Bit One) cost $100, but before you all shoot me for suggesting you spend your precious fabric allowance on a pedometer it does more than just count your steps.  Plus, my only other experience with a pedometer that would track things over time; the pedometer cost $25, but then also $10 per month to track the data.  This pedometer is $100 all up front and can also track your sleep!  I don't know how it does it, but it knows exactly when you are asleep and when you are awakened by something.  It also tracks how many stairs you climb.  Again, I'm not sure how it knows you are going up instead of forward, but it does.  I originally thought that this was just some conversion from the number of steps you took, but while on vacation we didn't have 2 flights of stairs to walk up like we do here at home, so I got zero stairs stats until the day we went hiking up a cliff.  So, it knows.  It also has a silent alarm, which my husband uses "to not wake me up".  I've had other pedometers in the past, and another feature that makes this one worth the extra money is that it is rechargeable and syncs wirelessly with your computer.  I just have to walk by the computer and it uploads all my stats for the day.  I don't even have to log in.

The app for the Fit Bit is free.  It is very similar to My Fitness Pal.  You can keep a food diary, enter exercise other than steps (like swimming or weight lifting), keep track of water intake, see progress reports and see stats posted by friends.  I've joined a group called the "QuiltCast Fitbitters", which is brand new so it is full of freshly motivated quilters just like you.  Sandy from Quilting for the Rest of Us created the group.  Several of the members are podcasters, but it is not a requirement to join.

So far, I prefer the Fit Bit app and website for tracking stuff.  I just prefer the layout, etc., but there is a way to use both.  While I haven't set it up yet, there is a way to get your Fit Bit pedometer stats sent to My Fitness Pal.

So those apps are all great for tracking fitness, what if you want to start running and need someone to tell you what to do?  Maybe a Couch to 5K app could help.  Running isn't for everyone.  It wasn't for me either, but having a friend sucker you into it helps.  What also helped was getting that "runner's high" that I heard about.  It took a few weeks, but I definitely got it and it made me look forward to my next work out.  But, I digress....Most Couch to 5K are similar in that they start you off slowly with short intervals of running and walking.  They tell you when to run and when to walk so you don't have to keep looking at your watch.  Most apps also work with the music functions of your phone so you can listen to music while you run.  Most programs are about 8 weeks long, but vary in how fast they progress you and how much running you will actually be able to complete at the end (more on that later).  I have tried out the following Couch to 5K apps:

Active Couch to 5K

I first tried out this app over a year ago when my sister-in-law wanted some company while training for a 5K.  I think it was $3.99 when I bought it, and it is one of the more popular ones on iTunes.
This program gets you ready to run a 5K in 9-ish weeks.  Why the "ish"?  Well, I found that I had to repeat a few weeks because I wasn't ready to progress when the running went from 5 minutes at a time to 8 minutes at a time, etc.  Those 3 extra minutes nearly killed me the first time around.

What I like about the app:

  • Each workout is 30-40 minutes long.  Totally doable, even on a busy day.
  • There is a halfway done cue - convenient so I know when to turn around and head home
  • Music options include a shuffle feature - I like my workouts to be predictable (sometimes), but not my music.
  • You can share your progress with Facebook, Twitter, or the Active Network (the first "group" experience I ever had)
  • Free run option - don't want to follow the program one day and just want to do your own thing?  Just try out the free run option
  • There's a map for that! - When your workout is complete, it shows you a map of where you ran.  Just neat.
  • It tells you about 5K events in your area
  • MOST Importantly!! - at the end of the program, it has you running for 30 minutes straight, which is close to the average 24 minute time for women for a 5K.  So you will be able to actually RUN a 5K at the end.
What I wish was different:
  • Sometimes it is hard to hear what the trainer says over the music - I wouldn't have know this could be improved if I hadn't tried out the next app, which does a better job of this.
  • I think the program could be longer to allow for slightly more gentle increases in running time toward the end of the program.  12 weeks would be better, I think.
  • The workouts are predictable - this could be good and could be bad if you loose interest easily.

Zombies Run Couch to 5K

Based on the recommendation of Katie of Katie's Quilting Corner, I tried out this app.  I think it was only $1.99 at the time.  Now, Zombies are not usually my thing, but the premise of the app sounded interesting.  Instead of just telling you when to run and when to walk, this app tells you a story.  If you immerse yourself into the story, you are running for a purpose - to collect supplies for a settlement traumatized by zombies.  It is entertaining!  This is an 8 week course, but they have other apps to continue the story, I mean running program. 
What I like about this app:
  • It is entertaining - one of my problems with running is that I spend a lot of time and energy thinking about running, when I can stop and how hard it is.  This app keeps me thinking about other things
  • This app does a much better job going between talking to you and your music.  I can hear everything they are trying to say, and still hear my music too.
  • Workouts are more varied - not all the workouts for a given week are the same.  Keeps you interested.
  • The program incorporates some other exercises, like knee lifts and heel raises into the program
  • It also allows you to share your progress via Facebook and Twitter.  They also have their own website and community, but I haven't checked it out.
  • It seems to start you out easier and progress you slower (but see below for the drawback of this)
What I wish was different:
  • My music doesn't shuffle - I can designate a special "playlist" from my phone, but it plays them in the exact same order each time.  So I find myself deleting and adding songs before I go out to run just so I can have a different order.
  • You must take advantage of the "Free Form Run" sections of each workout otherwise....
  • It doesn't have you running a full 5K by the end of the program - the last work out has you running two 10 minute increments with a 5 minute walk in between.  If you've taken advantage of the free form runs and tried to run almost the whole segment, you probably won't have any trouble doing a 24 minute run, probably... 
  • Longer workouts - workouts start at 34 minutes, but go up to 60 minutes.  So you are running for a longer amount of time overall, but not in one burst like you would in a 5K event.

Probably the best thing about this app so far was when I was hearing zombie noises "chasing" me, then it cut to my music of "Tangerine Speedo" (Please bring me a towel, Mr. Tangerine Speedo).  How that song got into my playlist that day, I am not sure, but I nearly fell over laughing when it happened.

I can still see some of you shaking your heads, "no".  Wouldn't it be great to have an actual Quilter's Run that is approximately a 5K and takes you by way of a few quilt shops?  Now that's my idea of a Quilter's Run.  I would totally run between stops to get the best selection, right?  It's a pipe dream for now, but who knows?  Perhaps if I find a location and start organizing now....yeah right!

For now, I am motivated to improve my fitness.  Like Quilters ADHD, I also have Fitness ADHD, but I hope between the new 5K app and the Fit Bit group, I just might stick with it.  If any of you are already on My Fitness Pal or Fit Bit, I am "Quilterinthecloset" on My Fitness Pal, and "Jen Lanak" on Fit Bit if you want to be friends.

What about you?  How do you stay fit with a sedentary hobby like quilting?  I would love to know.

Thanks for reading today,



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Our vacation is almost over - Building Blocks Tuesday

The sun is setting on our vacation in just a couple of days.  It has been an amazing trip, but I'm eager to get back to our regular schedule (and my sewing projects too).

another maui sunset

I have no new blocks to show you today, but I am interested in what you have been making.  So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Vacation edition 2

We only have a few more days of vacation.  We've really been enjoying ourselves.  What's not to like with a little of this everyday....

Maui sunset

and this.....

Ashley flying into pool
and occasionally this too.....

Me with a resting sea turtle

I'm beginning to wonder if this vacation will ever end.  That's a good sign, right?

Don't forget that Craftsy is having a summer sale through 7/21.  Each day has a different set of classes discounted.  Some classes are a really great deal.

Craftsy Sweet Summer Sale 7/17-7/21

There are a couple of really great classes in today's selection:
  • Free Motion Feathers by Angela Walters - her classes are fantastic, but this one covers those elusive feathering skills.  Angela is really good at explaining how to quilt designs and gives you the confidence to try them out.
  • Quilt As You Go Patchwork Bag by Tara Rebmen - one of my pre-vacation regrets was that I didn't finish up one, or a few, of these bags.  They look so versatile and attractive.  Plus I enjoyed learning some techniques in addition to the quilt as you go method, including installing a magnetic snap and two kinds of zippers.  I really like this project and am warning you guys in advance that several bags are going to be made by me when I return home.  They may be my go-to Christmas gift for several of my friends.
Until next time,


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Craftsy sale alert! Summer Sale 7/17-7/21 2013

Craftsy is having a summer sale today through 7/21 on some of their classes.  Each day has a different set of classes discounted.  Some classes are what I call "deep discounts!"

Craftsy Sweet Summer Sale 7/17-7/21

A class I can recommend from today's selections is "Big Techniques from Small Scraps by Sarah Fielke.  I haven't reviewed this class yet, but I took it and enjoyed learning some new techniques.

I'm powerless to resist getting a few new classes for myself.  But choosing is so difficult!!  Oh and I wonder what tomorrow's set of classes will be......


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vacation edition 1 - Building Blocks Tuesday

We are having a wonderful vacation!  I was hoping to share a few photos here, but haven't quite figured out how to upload them to my new laptop - perhaps later today during naptime, or tomorrow, or the next day.  Hey, I'm on vacation, right?

I have no new blocks to show you today, but I am interested in what you have been making.  So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


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Friday, July 12, 2013

Gigantor - a Friday Finish

Surprise!  I have a finish for today.  Yes, I am on vacation, but thanks to a couple nights of pre-trip insomnia, I actually finished up Gigantor the day before we left town.

Gigantor close up

Quilting this king sized Impromtu quilt was a huge experiment for me. I really wanted to see if the Janome Horizon I bought last July could handle a quilt this size.  I can honestly say, yes!  I worked in quadrants around the entire quilt, but all that extra throat space really made it doable.  I doubt I will make a whole bunch of king sized quilts, but it feels good to know I can if I want to.

Another experiment was in the photography of this big quilt.  Gigantor is for my own bed, but it didn't make a particularly striking photo in our room primarily because we have a distractingly large and colorful quilt on the wall in there.  So the girls and I set out to find a good spot or two for pictures of this big quilt.

1/4 of Gigantor

It was a struggle.  The picture above shows only 1/4 of the finished quilt.

Here are my assistants laying out the quilt in a grassy field.


Then, clearly exhausted, my assistants had to lay down.

Tired helpers after laying out Gigantor quilt

Finally, my assistants realized they were also in the photos and saw an opportunity to try out modeling themselves as well has the quilt.

Helpers turned models (Gigantor quilt)

Those silly girls!

Some quilt stats:

Pattern is Impromptu by Rachel Griffith
Fabric is Good Fortune by Kate Spain and Kona White
Size: 110 inches square
Quilted with an all over flower pattern found in Angela Walters books and Craftsy classes

Thanks for reading today,


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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quilt weights - Building Blocks Tuesday

Sorry, I am late.  Clearly vacation is already having its effect - I forgot what day it was!

Tired of your quilt getting away from you while you are quilting?  Perhaps it falls off the back of the table and pulls the quilt out of place.  Well, then Quilt Weights are for YOU!

Quilt weight

You've heard of pie weights, right?  You put them in your pie crusts to make them stay put in the pie pan and not puff up.  Quilt Weights work in a similar way, holding a section of your quilt in place on your quilting table.

Quilt Weights are multi-functional.  They are excellent quilt testers, can contribute added warmth to quilts while on your bed, not to mention the added "batting" of shed hair!  They are also good for other crafts.  Perhaps you are into crochet or knitting, well!  Quilt weights are also notorious for redistributing your yarns and threads!

Don't you want one?  Don't you need one?

Is there a problem?

A very special Quilt Weight, similar to the one above, can be yours for a nominal fee at your local animal shelter.  Go get one today!

I have no new blocks to show you today, but I am interested in what you have been making.  So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


A place where you can link up all those fabulous blocks you've been working on this week

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Friday, July 5, 2013

3rd quarter goal setting - 2013 Finish Along

OK, so I posted the 2nd quarter progress report, so you knew a post with the 3rd quarter goals was coming, right?

Since this quarter includes nearly a month away from my machine and the start of school in August, I am trying to be realistic in my goal setting.  "TRY" being the key word.

Here it goes:
  • Finish Gigantor - this is a summer weight quilt for my king sized bed.  It would be nice to finish it while it is still summer!  It is nearly done so it shouldn't be difficult to finish it by the end of the quarter, especially if I decide to machine bind it (I imagine a king sized quilt would take me nearly a week to hand bind).Gigantor quilting in progress
  • Finish my Sewing Mat - I started this one at the end of June, but ended up choosing a design with several components including some handwork.  So, it is taking a bit longer than I originally thought.
  • Sewing mat WIP
  • Beginner QAL quilt - Goodness, I am sick of typing this one.  The best solution for that problem is to get it finished and OUT of my house.
  • BQA top WIP
While not really part of the Finish Along, I also have:
  • Bee commitments and BOM's - luckily a few of my bees finished up last quarter, so my list is smaller
    • Star of Africa Bee - MUST catch up!!!  I have at least 5 blocks to finish
    • Lucky Star BOM - I think I have 5 months worth to finish
    • Simply Solids Bee - 1 block per month, so 3 for the quarter
Not really a huge list for this quarter, especially since most of my projects are already out of the piecing stage.  That said, somebody slap me if I don't get them finished!

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with

she can quilt

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

2nd Quarter Finish Along progress report

I think I am really liking this quarterly progress report thing!  Maybe I am just better at putting a quarterly goal list together, but I really feel like I've done a lot more looking at the list below than when I look at a monthly progress report.  Of course that makes sense since we are talking about 3 months worth of stuff instead of just one.  I suppose what I mean is that I feel like I either get off track with the monthly lists or I simply guestimate incorrectly what I can accomplish in a month's time, whereas the quarterly list seems more flexible and has more big items finished so it is more impressive somehow??  Who knows?

Here is my 2nd quarter progress:
  • Beginner QAL quilt - not done :(, about the only thing I did on this one this quarter was to add the outer border.  It still needs to be backed, basted and quilted.
  • BQA top WIP
  • Les Amis Baby quilt - Done!
  • Les Amis top
  • Baby Boy quilt - Done!
  • Jungle Path, a baby boy quilt
  • Hands 2 Help quilt - Done
  • Hands2Help 2013 - blue and white Jacob's Ladder
  • I also have my bee commitments
    • Star of Africa Bee - I caught up a little, then fell behind again.  I think this will be a major focus for next quarter.
    • Skill Builder QAL - I was WAY behind on this one, so I scrapped the project completely
    • Lucky Star BOM - I only did 1, and have 2 more to do.
    • We Bee Learning Bee - Done
    • Simply Solids Bee - Done
    • Make it Modern Bee - Done
  • For the Birds Blog Hop item  - Done
  • Robin, a McKenna Ryan pattern
  • I also wanted to start on a quilt for my own bed!  I changed the pattern I chose, got started and am nearly done!
  • Gigantor quilting in progress
Not horrible for progress, right?  There were also a few other things I added in during the quarter, like the Say it With Flowers Blog Hop.

I think I will give myself a pat on the back.

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with

she can quilt

Blame it on Summer - Building Blocks Tuesday

Uhhhh, have I showed you this one yet?

Make it Modern June for Licet

I woke up this morning planning to write another post or two about progress on my lists, and thought, "Hey, it's Tuesday!"  It completely slipped my mind.  Doh!  I will blame it on summer.

I made the block above for Licet for June's Make it Modern Bee.  It seemed everyone was working within the same color palate, so I already had a bunch of scraps in these colors - which was so convenient.  This one is called Patchwork Wheel and you can find the tutorial HERE at Don't Call Me Betsy.  Elizabeth's solid colored patchwork wheel looks amazing, and I'm sure Licet's will too.

So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.  And spread the word!

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!


A place where you can link up all those fabulous blocks you've been working on this week

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, July 1, 2013

June progress and July goal setting

I am so lucky to have my husband.  He took the girls away to the mountains for a night this past weekend so I could have a little alone time before a week of "Camp Mommy", followed by 3 weeks of vacation with the girls.  I had a lovely evening out with a friend, then spent nearly all of Sunday working on my "Gigantor" Impromptu quilt.  (It is still unfinished, but close.)  I was so immersed in quilting that I completely forgot about all the end of the month link ups, etc.  Oh well.  I can still report my progress and set my goals for next month (what few I have).

June UFO's:
  • I made very little progress on my Beginner QAL quilt.  In fact, I decided piecing the backing was ridiculous.  So I took a coupon to Joann's and picked out some pink backing fabric.  Perhaps in July I will get it basted.
  • I DID finish the SID on my Handmade Medallion quilt.  I will get back to the hand quilting soon.

June New FO's

So here's a quick summary of New FO's I wanted to tackle in June:
  • new ironing board cover - DONE!  But I haven't taken a picture of it yet.
  • sewing machine mat and cover - Mat in progress, cover not started
  • Sewing mat WIP
  • Swoon - cutting of colors done, need to finish the cutting of background, and get going.  I realized when I made the Swoon block for the sewing machine mat, that the cutting for the HST's is a little tight.  Of course, that was AFTER I did all the cutting of the colors.  So when I go to put them together, I will have to be very careful.
  • Impromptu - pieced, basted, and partially quilted!  This one is nearly done!  If you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter, you've already seen a sneak peak.  But I can't wait to show you the finished quilt!  It would be so nice to finish up before we leave for vacation but I doubt it will happen.  I have to be realistic, right?

July UFO's
  • Finish "Gigantor"
  • Baste Beginner QAL quilt

my basting table is drowning

July New FO's
  • Bring some kind of hand project with us on vacation - this will probably be some form of hexi's because I have a ton of the precut papers.
  • Have fun

Today was Day 1 of "Camp Mommy" (where the kids are at home instead of at a summer camp). It has been interesting.  While giving the girls a sewing lesson in the garage this morning, Lizzy managed to lock us out of the house!  That was around 9:30.  The rest of the day went alright, but I wonder what will happen next.  I am now wearing a house key, just in case.

Thanks for reading today,


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