When I first started this blog, I was a different person. Well, that's not exactly accurate. I was a person with different things going on in my life. In fact, when I started quilting and later this blog, I think I was still in my adjustment period in my transition to being at home full time. I am not going to debate who does more - working moms or stay at home moms. All I know is that when I first started being at home, I felt like I had some time to fill. I filled that time with quilting and blogging. Back then it was easier too, with small kids that napped or when to preschool for some of the day.
My life is no longer like that. Sure, my kids go to school now, And one would think I would have even more free time, but I have found new ways to fill my time and feel busier than ever. Somehow, the time to quilt and blog has dwindled significantly. While quilting has remained a "fun" and "relaxing" activity in my mind as something to do when I do get the chance. Blogging has become more of an obligation, and that is not what is supposed to be. I don't want you to read the negativity between the lines of any of my posts. When I look back at the posts I've written in the last few months, all of them seem negative. I want to get back to the upbeat and excited posts.....but I have to feel that way when I'm writing them in order for them to convey those feelings.
So....for now.....I am going to only blog when I feel that way; when I have something exciting to share; when I have some happy news tell you. I'm also going to remind myself that a blog is supposed to be an online journal. Somedays, I may have a lot to write. Somedays I might have two lines. Sometimes it might be hours between posts, others months. (I think initially, my posts will be less frequent). Basically, I'm going to write when I want to write.
Ironically, I have some things today that I am excited to share!!
First, we took a family trip to Italy for Spring Break and had a truly marvelous time.

I posted a bunch of pics on my Instagram feed during our trip, and I will probably make my Flickr album public shortly.
The trip was amazing. The kids got along. The adults got along. We saw so many wonderful things. We ate like kings. We visited family. And we had fun as a family. It was excellent. We are already talking about our next Spring Break.
Second, when we got back, I repacked my bags and went on a quilting retreat! It was just what I needed. I felt like I hadn't touched anything sewing related in months, and after a long journey, I needed a little down time to craft.
I finished up my Modern Quilt Guild Riley Blake Challenge. I made this little mini:

It didn't turn out exactly like I envisioned, but I like it. I think a couple of the ladies at retreat wanted to take it home with them.
I also took my Aviatrix quilt kit with me to start cutting. I almost got through all the cutting before it was time to leave. It was a LOT of cutting!!! I have since finished up the cutting and will start piecing things together when I have some time. I'm not rushing myself!
Third, I have started a new diet. Typically, I am not one to diet. However, I wasn't feeling very well before our trip and I had the feeling it was something that I was eating. I felt great while in Italy, but they have different food requirements/laws and seemed to have a lot less processed food (we barely ate anything processed while there). When I returned, within a day or two I was already not feeling great again.
I happened across a post on Facebook about the Whole 30 and looked into it. The drastic reduction of food categories actually appealed to me. You basically only eat meat, veggies, fruit and healthy fat. No sugar, no dairy, no grains, no legumes, no alcohol. I suppose I could have randomly chosen a few things in my diet to test if they were making me feel bad, but eliminating nearly everything for 30 days and slowly reintroducing things seems to be a better approach for me. I don't care so much about weight loss, I just want my body to feel better and my brain to feel better about what I am eating. Have any of you done the Whole 30?
I am only on Day 3, and I am already feeling better. Not completely cured, but better all the same. I hope that things continue.
That's it for now. I can't tell you when my next post will be, but I hope you pop back by periodically to say hello.
Keep quilting!