
Friday, February 5, 2016

Time to check in - Day 30 of the 100 day challenge!

Welcome to first check in for the 100 Day Challenge!  So how are you doing with those goals?

I was amazed by the range of goals that you posted 30 days ago!  Here are a few to share:

Carole at wants to finish writing a BOOK!!!  Here I thought I was adventurous trying to finish one quilt from start to finish.  Please go cheer on Carole, and help her choose a title.

Judy at Knotty Needle was working on the Bonnie Hunter mystery and wanted to finish some fabulous purple socks.  I think Judy will be reporting on the later, right Judy?  Pop on over to Judy's blog and tell her "good job"!

Marci at Marci Girl Designs was hoping to quilt a gorgeous quilt and blog more frequently.  Please go tell Marci that we want to hear from her!

Lyndsey at Sew Many Yarns wanted to blog more and finish up a truly magnificent cross stitch project.  I know she has been slowly stitching the later.  Visit her to give her a virtual high five!

Cath at Bits 'n Bobs wanted to blog more and finish up a baby quilt.  I know she has been stitching up a storm on another project and a bit distracted by fires, a wedding and baby cows!  I thought my kids were distracting!  Go give her a cheer for keeping on track, and check out her linky about what is on your design wall.

Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches had some lovely embroidery projects to work on and a quilt to finish up.  Jump on over there to learn more about her strategy to find more time to meet these goals.

Celine at Esprit Patch needs a cheer!  She wanted to catch up on bee blocks, but that is hard when you are in a bunch of bees!  Go give her a pat on the back for working toward her goals!

Leanne at Daisy and Jack had some fun and gorgeous projects she is working on.  I'm seeing a lot of blocks getting done, but I'm wondering where Minnie and Mickey are??  Go give Leanne some love.

Kate at Smiles From Kate has started a blog as one of her goals!  Go check it out!  I loved reading how she got started with quilting.

Katie at Karma Willow Designs has been working through a few injuries, but is still making progress on her goals.  Go tell her how awesome she is!

Janine at Rainbow Hare Quilts has so many colorful projects to choose from, but she wanted to finish up a Dresden, crochet a blanket, and make an art quilt.  Go find out which of these she has been working on!

We also want to give cheers for Diane, Lisa, Anne, Brita, Gi, Jamie, Kelly, and Sarah!  I hope you will update us to your progress in the comments!

So how am I doing on my 3 goals?

1) Finish Lazy Bums blocks - 15 in total -- I'm DONE!!!  Once I got those Geese in the Forest blocks going, there was no stopping me.

Geese in the Forest for Lizzie

2) Blog - get back to blogging twice a week - I think I missed one week, but I am doing better!

3) Finish (including starting) Technicolor Galaxy - I've started!  Block one is almost complete.  I may need to put the 2nd part aside for a week as I finish up 2 other projects that have jumped ahead on the priority list, but then I will get straight back to it.

Technicolor Galaxy - block one, quilting in progress

Just stumbled upon the 100 Day Challenge today?  You can still join in, but it will only be the 70 day challenge for you!  To recap the requirements, check out the Kick Off post HERE.

30 Day Check in Link up:  you can link up a blog post, Flickr picture, even Instagram photos (Sarah!).  I'll keep the linky open for a week so you can show off your progress and visit each other for a show of group support.

Don't forget, you may also just leave your progress in a comment on this post.

Thanks for reading,



  1. Look at you rockin out the goals -- I'll be posting an update later today hopefully. This looks like a group of great bloggers and I started following all of them today.

  2. 30 days already Jen, how did that happen? Congrats on knocking out those Flying Geese blocks so quickly, just goes to show what a good motivator going public is :)

  3. Looking so good. I love your Technicolor Galaxy, the quilting is beautiful.

  4. I had to go back and see what my three things were and I'm happy to report that I completed all three. I'm even 3/4 of the way through binding the purple quilt! Whoohoo! Currently I'm working on a jelly roll quilt. Boy, jelly rolls sure do produce little flecks of fabric that seem to attach themselves to everything!

  5. Go, go, go! I finished quilting two quilts -- good. Made only half of the Tula City blocks so far, but have several cut out and ready to sew. Having an upper respiratory infection slowed me down, but I'll be going full ahead the rest of the month. Thanks for cheering us on.

  6. Go, go, go! I finished quilting two quilts -- good. Made only half of the Tula City blocks so far, but have several cut out and ready to sew. Having an upper respiratory infection slowed me down, but I'll be going full ahead the rest of the month. Thanks for cheering us on.

  7. Working on binding for king size quilt
    Georgie quilt top completed picked up from long arm quilter, ready to bind
    Pat Sloan quilt - cut washing started to sew on

  8. That would be sashings not washing a auto-correct got me again, lol

  9. Whoa! stunning work you are doing Jen! I still think this is a terrific idea and hope, after this first 100days, you will go for stage 2! I still have so much more that requires cheering on. ps...thanks for the lovely write up on my blog!

  10. eeep - of course I haven't even started !!! nothing like trying to wing it at the last minute ! thanks for the shakeup :) ps loving your Technicolor Galaxy ♥♥

  11. I'm not a good keeper of time. Need to write on my calendar. I have made progress on my goals.
    1. Pressing instead of ironing-still working on that. Ipreally have to concentrate and not let my mind wander. I find I am finger pressing more as I piece.
    2. Quilt finished on Midarm-Actually on the this day (2/5) I was taking an in home class on my Midarm. It has really helped me. Ready to load my 2nd practice piece.
    3. Blog-I have read several posts on pros and cons of starting Blogs. One of the main reasons I wanted to start was to link to others. But as a lot of ones I follow are going to Facebook not sure now. To have a Blog on Facebook you have to have 500 followers. Too big for me. I like your Blog. Still working on idea though.
    Posting a little late. Gi

  12. Well I am sorry I missed the link up, fully intended to and was prepared and then life happened, so I finally blogged today and hope to link up next time! But I have met one of my three goals and am feeling good!


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.