
Monday, February 8, 2016

Another Les Amis baby quilt - Design Wall Monday

Last week, I mentioned that Cath over at Bits N' Bobs hosts a linky about what is on your design wall.  Well, I figured I better link up!

Of course, to do that, I needed a design wall.  So I got out a bit of batting and hung it on the wall.  It's not glamorous, but it works!  So what is on my design wall?

Another Les Amis baby quilt.

I making another Les Amis baby quilt.  I need to get a baby quilt done very quickly and I had a bunch of HST's left over from the last Les Amis quilt I made for my cousin.  I figured with the work half done, I shouldn't fight it.  I only had to make 6 more HST's to finish this layout.

I'm hoping to sew the rows together later this week.  My real dilemma is whether I should load it on the longarm that was delivered late last week.  I've been practicing, but I still don't have the complete hang of it yet.  However, I recognize that my free motion skills on the domestic exponentially improved when I stopped fearing quilting on real quilts.  Practicing on scraps can only get you so far, at some point you have to bite the bullet and "Just do it!" (as Kate was saying on her blog recently).  So do I just do it?  I think the answer might be "Yes!".

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with:

Bits 'n Bobs


  1. a pretty quilt, best of luck on the long arm I am sure you will do a great quilting job

  2. I have never used a longarm so It's difficult to comment, however, I know skills learnt in one area are transferable to others so on that premise I recon you're halfway there. As you found out before, it's a confidence thing, so let's do it together.


  3. Hello Jen! I am so thrilled you have linked up with me at Bits 'n Bobs! I just love what you have on your design board (mine is a large bath sheet btw!)I love the baby quilt you are working on...such pretty colours and fabrics! I think you should bite the bullet and just go for it as it is the only way you will move forward. Don't expect to be as good as Angela Walters. There will no doubt be imperfections but if you accept the end it will look good anyway and no one else will notice. Good Luck!


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