
Friday, April 14, 2017

100 Day Challenge - Finale!

Welcome to the finale of the 100 Day Challenge!  I hope everyone got loads of things accomplished (especially since I didn't)!

My 3 things:

1) Update the blog - I haven't done anything on this.  I must admit, I am considering taking a break from blogging altogether.  It is not that I don't enjoy blogging, it is more that I am so stretched on time lately.  I even find it difficult to remember to post the Building Blocks Tuesday link up each week.  I am currently on a bit of a Mom-cation and I intend to do some soul searching on this topic.  It may mean a short hiatus or just a transition to more infrequent posts.  When I return, I expect to have an answer.
2) Aviatrix Medallion Quilt - Life has gotten in the way big time lately, and I haven't moved much past getting the fabric out on this one.  However, I do have a quilting retreat coming up in a couple of weeks and this will be one of two projects I am going to bring, so progress is inevitable.
3) Finish Batik Tile Quilt - I loaded it on my longarm, and chose the thread, but then had a bunch of tension issues.  I've chosen an alternative, but just haven't gotten started yet.  So no progress since last check in.

Wow, so big fail on my part!  But I am not discouraged.  We have had a lot going on as a family since New Year's and it has been hard to keep up.  I can either choose to get down on myself or I can move forward.  I choose the later.

How did you do on your goals?  Link up your progress and then go cheer for someone else!

Thanks for participating!


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