
Sunday, January 1, 2017

100 Day Challenge - 2017

Last year, while trying to come up with my New Year's Resolutions, I realized that I do much better with a shorter deadline.  There is something about having the WHOLE year to get something done that is practically a green light for procrastination.  So instead of year-long resolutions, I challenged myself to do 3 things in 100 days, and many of you joined me.  We had all kinds of projects completed - quilts, knitted socks, needlepoint, even new blogs started.  I've been getting lots of questions about hosting it again, so here it is!

How does the 100 Day Challenge work?

1) Pick 3 specific Quilty/Craft goals - finish something old?  try something new?  declutter/destash?  easy/hard?  Doesn't matter, just be SPECIFIC.
2) On Friday, January 6th, either leave your 3 goals in a comment in that day's Kick Off post, or write your own blog post with your intentions and link them up to the linky posted that day.
3) Get to work
4) Check in linky's will be posted at Day 30, Day 60, and Day 85.  (You can also tell us your progress in the comments section of the post that day if you don't want to link up).
5) Finale will be April 15th (easy to remember as it is tax day in the US), when you will tell us how you did on your goals.

What to you think?  Want to join in?

I am picking three specific things to accomplish in 100 days.  Why so specific?  That's another thing I've learned about myself: if I let myself generalize too much, I often can rationalize that I accomplished something when I have not.

Last year, I accomplished 2 of my 3 goals, and I made some progress on that 3rd one.

This year, my specific goals are:

1) update my blog pages.  I knew I had been neglecting my Craftsy reviews, but I didn't realize that when I didn't renew my inlinkz account that all my tutorials were hidden away.  You can still get to them, but it involves multiple clicking.  Time to get that fixed up.  While this goal seems easy enough, I have really been working at not spending as much time at the computer this past year.  I find that if I sit down to even write a few emails, I get sucked into the vortex and hours go by.  I will really have to focus and will likely have to set a timer to keep my time on the computer limited.

2) My guild has a new challenge for 2017, and I think the Aviatrix Medallion Quilt by Elizabeth Hartman would be perfect.  The pattern has a lot of things that I like: bright colors, varied blocks - some easy, some more challenging (they must be since there is a specific help page for the pattern).  I think it will keep me interested.  The real challenge will be when it comes time to quilt it.  I love how Jess at the Elven Garden quilted hers.  That style of heavy quilting is right up my alley, is time-consuming.

3) Batik Tile quilt - why oh why am I choosing this one?  Quite simply, I don't like it and it needs to be gone.  I despise the fabric, don't even like the pattern much, and am tired of seeing it whenever I look through my UFO's.  That said, all the blocks are nearly done and it is just the sort of quilt that my quilt would love as either an auction quilt or a charity quilt.  Plus, I still need practice on my longarm, and I might as well practice on quilts that will be donated for a cause.

So?  Who's In?  Great!  See you Friday!



  1. must give this some thoought do have 11 flimsies waiting to be layered up hate doing that as the bottom layer so often gets crumpled!

  2. I found this really useful last year Jen, so will get my thinking cap on and see what I can commit to for this year.

  3. I found this really useful last year Jen, so will get my thinking cap on and see what I can commit to for this year.

  4. Oooh what a good idea. I'll have to think about what goals I might set!

  5. I'm in again this year Jen - I did get one out of three done last year so I'm challenging myself for all 3 this year !!

  6. It's because of your challenge last year I now have a blog instead of just reading them, and what a year I have had. I will definitely join in again.

  7. What a great idea. Nothing too overwhelming but enough to keep me motivated now that I have put it out there publicly.


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.