
Friday, January 6, 2017

100 Day Challenge 2017 - Kicking it off

Welcome to the kick off of the 100 Day Challenge!  I am excited that you are here and ready to get some stuff DONE!  Do you have your 3 things you are going to complete in the next 100 days?

Just stumbled upon this today?  To recap, we are shortening up the timetable for those New Year's Resolutions so we don't conveniently forget about them over the course of the year.  100 days is just long enough to accomplish something BIG and short enough that keeping the momentum/motivation going should be easier.

1) Pick 3 specific Quilty/Craft goals - finish some UFO's?  try something new?  make that baby quilt?  declutter/destash?  easy/hard?  Doesn't matter, just be specific.  Specificity helps so we don't justify changing our goals or rationalizing that we generally completed them when we only tried.
2) Today, leave your 3 goals in a comment below, or write your own blog post with your intentions and link them up to the linky below.  Writing them down and posting them on the interwebs will give you a feeling of accountability to the universe.
3) Cheer each other on!  I've even created a hashtag for those of you on Twitter and Instagram: #100daychallenge2017 AND a new blog button!  Go ahead and grab it if you like.  It's in the right hand border of this post.
4) Get to work - this part is all up to you!  Did I mention that I hope we will all cheer each other on?!?!!!  Support is so nice.
5) Check in linky's will be posted at Day 30, Day 60, and Day 85.  (You can also tell us your progress in the comments section of the post that day if you don't want to link up).
6) Finale will be April 15th (easy to remember as it is tax day in the US), when you will tell us how you did on your goals.
7) Celebrate!!  Perhaps pick 3 more things to do next??

Kick off Link up:

Don't forget, you may also just leave your 3 things in a comment on this post.

My 3 things:

1) Update the blog - some things are long overdue!
2) Aviatrix Medallion Quilt - this quilt is crazy beautiful
3) Finish Batik Tile Quilt - I just want this one out of my house!

Thanks for reading,



  1. No blog so listing them here. I am taking a Boomerang Quilt Class on Sunday (for two Sundays) so I want to totally begin it and finish it this quarter. Also we've been doing a kitchen remodel and during that time I was only able to piece (not actually quilt the quilts) so (2) and (3) and (4) are to sandwich and quilt the purple baby quilt, the baby sized trip around the world and the lap sized Christmas quilt. (5) (I'm an overachiever) is to finish the binding on a baby Aggie quilt.

  2. I am so glad you are doing the challenge again this year Jen, it was you who started me blogging just a year ago, and what a year it has been. Last year I just missed completing my third challenge but this year I intend to smash it.

  3. so excited for this challenge again this year !!

  4. Yeah, so glad you are doing this again! I am going to finish a baby quilt for my new DGS due Jan 13th. Finish quilting a UFO that has been hanging around since 2005, and complete a BOM (red/white) from last year for our quilt Guild. Even though I did not make all my goals from last year in the 100 day I still have the habit of pressing and not ironing and think of the 100 day goal as a reminder!

    1. Gi, replying here because your settings must be set to "no-reply". I am glad you are here too. I know this year you will crank through all 3 goals with ease! You can do it!

  5. 1. Finish my UFO of baby blanket and shawl.
    2. Clean out my stash.
    3. Fix my sewing machine.

    1. Christine, replying here as your settings must be set to "no-reply". Those are great goals! I hope you fix your machine first, so you can finish your UFO! Cleaning out stash always seems to be tricky for me. I feel so good when it is done though! Good luck!

  6. I have 3 quilt tops I want to finish for the 100 Day challenge.
    1. Vintage fabric quilt I am currently working on.
    2. Christmas quilt with cardinal cornerstones (just quilt it up)
    3. Blue kitty quilt (ready to be quilted also)

    1. Tami, replying here as your settings must be set to "no-reply". Your projects sound delightful. I hope you can post pictures of all of them here or on Instagram or Facebook. I know we would all be interested in seeing your Vintage project, and kitties and cardinals are two of my favorite things!

  7. I would like to finish three over-due quilts
    1. Do.Good Stitches quilt
    2. Simply Eden quilt for my grand-daughter
    3. Pointy quilt for my grand-son

    1. Jeanine, replying here as your settings must be set to "no-reply". 3 over due projects are now "just in time" projects! You've gotten a 100 day extension. Which will you tackle first?

  8. Managed to get my act together and put together a post Jen. I am delighted that you are running the challenge again.

  9. I love this because we don't have to work on UFO's unless we want to!
    I want to:
    1. Start Jack's Chain quilt, 9 patches and sewn on machine with set in seams
    2. Finish Modern Crazy that I just started today
    3. Quilt and bind my CA Kaffe quilt...a UFO!

    1. Chase, replying here as your settings must be se to "no-reply". I don't like working on UFO's unless I want to either! LOL! I am glad you are joining us and that you already started one of your projects! Modern Crazy sounds interesting!

  10. 1 - make beanbag chair for my son - planned in May 2016!
    2 - finish circles table runner - piecing is done, this should be quick but I haven't worked out an fmq plan yet
    3 - get going on the Metro challenge with Montreal Modern quilt guild - we are designing quilts inspired by the artwork in one of the 69 stations (we each chose one) in Montreal's metro network. I picked mine & 'visited' it just before Christmas... now to decide how to interpret it & come up with a design (and then execute of course!)

    1. replying here as your settings must be set to "no-reply". A bean bag chair, huh! That sounds like a fun project. And I can't wait to hear how the Metro Challenge quilt goes. You go girl!

  11. I finally did my goal posting for the year and remembered to put the 100 day challenge in there as an extra motivator

  12. My goals are to finish:
    1. Baby quilt UFO (since my son is almost 3 years old)
    2. Summer bellpull (cross stitch WIP)
    3. Earth Goddess (cross stitch WIP)


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.