
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Thistle Blocks - Building Blocks Tuesday

Thistle blocks

These are the Thistle blocks from the Fancy Forest pattern by Elizabeth Hartman (**affiliate link). They were relatively easy and quick compared to the fireflies and hedgehogs!  Yet, of all the blocks, the foxes are by far the easiest and quickest.

I completed the sashing over the weekend and have already loaded it up on the frame for quilting.  I started quilting an all over leaf pattern that sounded like a great idea in my head,  Now that I have the first few inches in a row done, I am highly skeptical that it will look good.  Perhaps Lori Kennedy got into my head recently with her post about Six Ways to Ruin a Quilt with Quilting   Not that she addressed this particular issue, but I just have the "Ruin a Quilt with Quilting" thing stuck in my head and destroying my confidence.  I have decided to persevere with the pattern and see what happens.  I am hopeful that it is just one of those things that doesn't look fabulous close-up but will give a great texture when you step back a from it.  Fingers crossed?

If I want to enter this quilt in the show this weekend, I have to have it completely finished by Friday to turn in.  Say some prayers.  I am pretty confident that I can get the quilting done, but I like to hand bind and that usually takes a while.

What blocks have you been working on this week?  I would love to see.  Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open until the first Monday of next month, but I will repost it every Tuesday until a new month starts.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page on your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr and Instagram pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading,


***This post may contain affiliate links.  If you purchase something after clicking on one of my links, I may be compensated, but at no additional cost to you!


  1. Love those bristles Jen! Good luck with finishing in time for the show too.

  2. Banish thoughts of "ruining" it! It's your quilt and you're making it for your daughter - she will never judge it and will know it's made with love. I tell my students nothing is ever "wrong " it just may be an unexpected design outcome!!!!

  3. Oh, I love them! Let's talk Lori Kennedy for a second. Ignore her. She's very talented with her sewing skills, but she has a ways to go with her people/writing skills. Do what YOU think will look good. Then learn from it but make it your OWN opinion. XO


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