
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

More broken herringbone blocks - Building Blocks Tuesday

My, has summer just flown by or what?  We had a fabulous time on our travels, but I am happy to be home.  Now, if I could just get back into the swing of things!

Before we go any further, I would like to give a huge round of applause to the fabulous ladies that kept Building Blocks Tuesday going while I was away:  Celine, Mary, Kate, Leanne and Jen did a great job.  They each shared some inspirational blocks and projects.  Thank you again, Ladies!

This week, I'm catching up on some things.  I've made my bee blocks for July for Shelly in the We Bee Canadian bee.  She was sweet and understanding that they would be a little late.  Luckily, she chose the same block that she requested earlier in the year: the broken herringbone blocks.

More Broken Herringbones, 1

More Broken Herringbones, 2

More Broken Herringbones, 3

I say, "Luckily", but I actually had more trouble making these this time around.  Not because they are difficult, but more because I just couldn't focus properly.  Getting back into the swing of things is sometimes hard.  While making these, I managed to trim one of the blocks improperly, resulting in the need to rip out a strip and replace it.  I also got some of my brown sashing strips mixed up with some darker brown strips of the same width that I was using in my Fancy Forest blocks.  It was off just enough that I had to take apart a few sections of two of the blocks to get it right.  I doubt that anyone would have been able to notice the difference in shades when the whole quilt is put together, but I could notice it when looking at each block.  Thankfully, I had exactly enough brown to finish these up properly.

What blocks have you been working on this week?  I would love to see.  Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open until the first Monday of next month, but I will repost it every Tuesday until a new month starts.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page on your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr and Instagram pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading,


PS:  I also want to take a minute and apologize for my rant last week.  Given the tragedy that our nation endured just a few days earlier, it was incredibly selfish and insensitive of me to go on and on about my own troubles.   I do live it a bit of a bubble here, but that is no excuse.  Please forgive me.

***This post may contain affiliate links.  If you purchase something after clicking on one of my links, I may be compensated, but at no additional cost to you!


In case you were wondering, we really did have a wonderful time on holiday!  How could you not at a place like this...

a view of Lanai from Maui

There was another family that built a sandcastle each day during their stay.  My girls watched from afar the first few days, but then could resist "helping" them for a few days.

the girls help build a sandcastle

There were a lot of turtles resting on our beach this year.  This is just one of them, with Olivia in the background.

Yes, that turtle is bigger than her!

Lizzy also got a pair of live lizard earrings (for a few minutes anyway).

Live lizard earrings

We left Maui and returned home for one day before going to Colorado, where we hiked, gained 10 pounds from all the delicious food, went rafting, horseback riding, and generally had a great time.

We paused during one of our family hikes for a little rock climbing and gymnastics.

On our family hike.

The grown ups even got in some golf with the wildlife.

Deer on golf course

I went on my first fly fishing experience and caught (and released) this nice rainbow trout.

My first catch of the day in the Eagle River, CO

Lizzy went fishing later in the week and caught her own.

Lizzy catches her own rainbow trout.

Now that we are back, I am still waist deep in laundry and have a ton of yard work to do.  But, it will either get done or it won't, right?

Have a great week!



  1. What a wonderful holiday you had! And I love the blues you used in Shelly's block. I am anxious to get my scraps used up so I can buy some funky prints like you have, lol.

  2. The blocks are great, but oh the holiday pics ... Beautiful!!!!!

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful time on holiday Jen, I hope that it did the trick and made all that stress in the run up disappear.

  4. Beautiful pic of vacation and blocks!


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