
Friday, March 4, 2016

March 4th - 60 Day Check In - 100 day challenge

Welcome to the second check in for the 100 Day Challenge!  How are things coming along??

I know we have all be busy since the last check in, and I can't wait to see what you have accomplished!

I know Kate at Smiles From Kate has been firing off the blog posts.  She is really getting rolling!  She also finished one of her other goals.  Go visit her blog to find out which one!

Cath at Bits 'n Bobs went on a Liberty of London shopping spree!  and blogged about it!!  I hope all those lovely fabrics helps motivate her to finish up her other goals too.

Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches has been stitching up a storm!  I think it is amazing that she chose not one, but TWO hand projects as goals.  Way to go!

Celine at Esprit Patch has been powering through all those bee blocks she wanted to finish.  Some of them are so intricate!  It makes me want to be in a bee with her!

Leanne at Daisy and Jack has started her Minnie quilt!  Go give her a cheer!

Katie at Karma Willow Designs has been going gangsta on her goals!  Wha-what!  Not only has she been destashing like cray-cray, but she has been making so many blocks!!!  I'm wondering if she has a stash left.

Janine at Rainbow Hare Quilts has so many lovely projects.  I love reading about her crochet projects in particular.  But what I am really wondering is if she finished up the crocheted blanket as one of her goals, aren't you??

Carole at was finishing up writing a book.  It's been a while since we got an update on how it is going.  Head on over to ask, "what's up, Carole?"

Judy at Knotty Needle finished up those fabulous purple socks, and she has been working on the most interesting quilt called Cleopatra's Fan.  Go give her a shout out!

Marci at Marci Girl Designs was hoping to quilt a gorgeous quilt and blog more frequently.  Please go tell Marci that we want to hear from her!

Lyndsey at Sew Many Yarns is making fabulous progress on her magnificent cross stitch project.  Go check out her progress!

We also want to give cheers for Diane, Lisa, Anne, Brita, Gi, Jamie, Kelly, and Sarah!  I hope you will update us to your progress in the comments!

So how am I doing on my 3 goals?

1) Finish Lazy Bums blocks - finished those up in the first 30 days, and it felt fantastic!

Geese in the Forest for Lizzie

2) Blog - get back to blogging twice a week - I'm feeling good about this one.  Of course, the Inspirational Sunday's aren't hurting.  I was a little disappointed to learn that WIP Wednesday has been suspended.

3) Finish (including starting) Technicolor Galaxy - I started!  Block one is complete, and I've pieced all 12 of the Block Two's.  I still need to quilt them up, but since I plan all straight line quilting with minimal thread changes, I hope it will go quickly.

Technicolor Galaxy in progress

I was hoping to quilt them up during the last couple of days, but I've been gardening!  Some of you may remember that when we moved into this house, I had HUGE plans to go garden crazy.  Well, we missed the time for summer planting, and given the 100 degree + temps, I decided to wait until fall.  Once it cooled down a bit, I planted all kinds of fall seeds that I pre-sprouted and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  Most seedlings got about an inch tall and never grew past that.  To say it was disappointing is an understatement.  But, I have not lost faith!  I have revised my gardening strategy and rolled the dice yet again.  THIS time, I did buy some transplants.  I still plan to grow some things from seed, but I needed something green already in the garden. Wish me luck!

Just stumbled upon the 100 Day Challenge today?  You can still join in, but it will only be the 40 day challenge for you!  To recap the requirements, check out the Kick Off post HERE.

60 Day Check in Link up:  you can link up a blog post, Flickr picture, even Instagram photos.  I'll keep the linky open for a week so you can show off your progress and visit each other for a show of group support.

Thanks for reading!



  1. Thanks for the reminder. I haven't touched a bit of fabric in a week. Little one has Hand, foot and Mouth disease and is 'polka-dots' all over. I need a drink!

  2. I still think your Technicolour Galaxy is something else. I am so glad for this challenge, I wouldn't have done so much without it. As for the gardening, good luck with that. With clay soil everything I plant dies, if not during the summer then over the winter. Suits my two energetic dogs though, although they love helping by pulling out all the 'weeds'.

  3. My stash is still a shameful amount of fabric and I added to it just yesterday -- oops. Thanks for hosting, friend the link up is a great reminder to work on that last goal of blogging more.

  4. I have one more Technicolor Block to make and I'll be caught up! They are so spectacular!

  5. Your galaxy is jaw dropping already and it'll grow! :)

  6. Are you sure that it has been 30 days since the last check in Jen, it feels like just last week :)

  7. Thank you for motivating us with this challenge! BTW your Technicolor Galaxy is a stunner. I have completed the binding on one quilt and am almost finished my red and white wedding gift quilt-just have to bind. I am halfway through crocheting the baby blanket. Yea to a little kick in the you know what to keep us going!

  8. Hello from Cath at Bits 'n Bobs. I linked up but forgot to leave you a message. All is going well with my pledges and I am blogging constantly at the moment about my adventures in the UK...but alas, I didn't get to shop at Liberty of London...this time! You have made great progress Jen....well done!

  9. Happily linked up today! I sure hope to meet my goal, so I'm going to really try to get quilting in the next few weeks. Your technicolor galaxy is coming along beautifully.

  10. 10 days late on the 60 day update.
    Goals: 1. Press not iron. Really being able to stick to this goal. Often only finger press, no iron. Helps with blocks being correct size.
    2. Quilting 1quilt on Mid-arm. Took an in home class on loading and have been practicing. Almost ready to load a real quilt.
    3. Starting a blog: have done research. Still undecided.

  11. yep it's confirmed - I am no good at self imposed deadlines !!! terrible really as it speaks volumes about me - gasps !! but it makes me happy to visit you and see your amazing Galaxy coming together :)


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.