
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Inspirational Sunday (3) - via QuiltConWest 2016

Springing forward today!  I saw a post on Facebook that read, "that hour we lost was the one I was planning to work out! Oh well!"

Today, I am sharing quilts that grabbed my eye in the Piecing category at QuiltConWest.  I wrote this post and discovered that I had too many pictures to share, so I am going to break it up into two posts.

First up, "Triangle Transparency" by Yvonne Fuchs from Tehachapi, California.  It was machine pieced and machine quilted on a frame.

"Triangle Transparency" by Yvonne Fuchs of Tehachapi, CA

Yvonne is a fellow QDAD (Quilt Design a Day) member, and this is one of her early designs.  I really enjoy seeing the designs in the group come to life.  There are so many wonderful designs in the group, I think we all wish we had more time to make them!

I really enjoy being in the group and recommend it to anyone.  Initially, I was "designing" my quilts in EQ7 each day, but I found myself spending WAY MORE than the recommended 15 minutes to draw out my design, unless I used one of the pre-programmed blocks and made minor adjustments.  I found this limited the types of designs tremendously.  Recently, I went back to just sketching them on paper with colored pencils (which reminds me, I have about a week's worth of designs to post).  This plan really allows me to limit my time to 15 minutes and also do some of the more modern layouts.  I have some trouble getting EQ7 to do alternate grids, and I want most of my designs to incorporate them.

close up of "Triangle Transparency" by Yvonne Fuchs of Tehachapi, CA

Look how perfectly all her HST's line up!  And the fabric choice really lets the piecing blend together.

Next up is "Let's Connect" by Christopher Thompson of New York, New York.   This is machine pieced and machine quilted without a frame.  He did his own version of matchstick quilting in a wavy pattern.

"Let's Connect" by Christopher Thompson of New York, New York.

I really had to look closely to see how he pieced the lamps in his quilt.

close up of "Let's Connect" by Christopher Thompson of New York, New York.

Those aren't appliqued on, nor are they Y seamed.  They are just really well lined up strip piecing!  The heavy quilting really helps hide some of the seam lines in the black sections; you really couldn't see them at all unless you were extremely close.

This next one is called, "Spikey Molehills" by Myrth McDonald of Silverthorne, Colorado.  She was inspired by a pattern called Molehills by Latifah Saafir.  It was machine pieced (paper piecing) and machine quilted without a frame.

"Spikey Molehills" by Myrth McDonald of Silverthorne, Colorado.  Design source is a pattern called "Molehills" by Latifah Saafir.

I really found this one interesting.  It is like a cross between Clamshells and New York Beauties.

close up of "Spikey Molehills" by Myrth McDonald of Silverthorne, Colorado.  Design source is a pattern called "Molehills" by Latifah Saafir.

And of course, the curved piecing is really lovely.

I couldn't help but snap a shot of this one!  "Jungle Abstractions: The Lion" by Violet Craft of Beaverton, Oregon.  It is machine pieced (paper piecing) and machine quilted on a frame.

"Jungle Abstractions: The Lion" by Violet Craft of Beaverton, Oregon.

Violet has really gone to town with her "abstractions" patterns.  She has all kinds of animals now, and each one is pretty darn cool!

This next one is called "Piece 12" by Lissa Alexander of Dallas, Texas.  It is machine pieced and machine quilted on a frame.

"Piece 12" by Lissa Alexander of Dallas, Texas.  Quilted by Maggi Honeyman.

I love how the blocks turned on point with the skinny sashing created this look.

close up of "Piece 12" by Lissa Alexander of Dallas, Texas.  Quilted by Maggi Honeyman.

Next up, "Plaid on Point" by Jennifer Jones Rissotti of Kingsburg, California.  It is machine pieced.  It was machine quilted by Darby Myer on a frame.

"Plaid on Point" by Jennifer Jones Rissotti of Kingsburg, CA.  Quilted by Darby Myer

I just found it very striking, and I really like the use of transparency.

This next quilt might look familiar.  "Big Love" by Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill of Woodbridge, Connecticut.  It was machine pieced and machine quilted without a frame.  It was constructed using 1 inch strips that finished at 1/2 inch!

"Big Love" by Sheri Cifaldi-Morrill of Woodbridge, Connecticut

If the quilt looks familiar, it is because it is the 2nd in a series that Sheri created.  The first won the mini category at last year's QuiltCon in Austin.

I'm going to end the post here.  Please tune in next Sunday for more from the Piecing category of QuiltConWest 2016, including the winners!

As always, thanks for reading,



  1. I really like the Molehills. Thank you for sharing these, as I didn't get a chance to see the show.

  2. so many wonderfully talented stitchers loved seeing these and will be checking in next sunday to see more

  3. Really very attractive stickers, I try to use it in clothing.Thanks WWICS Review


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