
Friday, February 26, 2016

Something nice, just for the sake of something nice - a finish Friday

It's Friday!  and I have a finish to share!

Another Les Amis baby quilt

This quilt may look familiar.  I made a similar one a couple of years ago for my cousin's first baby.  Somehow my math was off when I made the HST's for the design. I think I forgot that you get TWO HST's from every pair of squares, because I had nearly double what I needed.  I had put the extras away for a rainy day.

While it hasn't been raining, I figured it was about time to pull those extras out and put them to good use.  One of the ladies that runs the front office where my kids take gymnastics is about to have a baby.  I chipped in for the group gift weeks ago, but she and her husband (who also works in the office) are always so nice to my girls and I.  I wanted to do something more, so I made this quilt.

Some of my quilty friends think it is funny that I would give something like this to someone I know so little.  I think it is nice to do something nice, just for the sake of doing something nice.  I hope she likes it, but I am keeping my expectations low (she is a muggle, after all).  Ironically, I have had better luck giving my quilts to complete strangers than my own family.  My mom (Hi Mom!) is the exception.  She always loves what I send her, and that's why she will get more quilts in the future too.

Do you give away any of your quilts to people you barely know?

Thanks for reading today,


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  1. I think it's awesome that you made this quilt for the couple. During the holidays this year, my father-in-law was hospitalized for about a month and the lady in the bed next to his was really sweet and rarely got visitors so we invited her to come and sit with us when we would visit with my FIL. When he was finally discharged, I brought a quilt to the sweet lady hoping it would help her feel better so she could get discharged too.

  2. I think an impulse for an act of kindness is almost always a good idea. Sometimes those really turn out to be the very best gifting experiences. I've done it a couple of times with knitting gifted to people I didn't know well, but were going through difficult times, and the people have just been delighted. I hope your gift is well received.

  3. I think the hardest thing about giving quilts as gifts is knowing whether they'll be appreciated. I have given a few to people in my department at work because i don't need be knee deep in quilts..
    Thanks for linking to tgiff this week.

  4. I think the hardest thing about giving quilts as gifts is knowing whether they'll be appreciated. I have given a few to people in my department at work because i don't need be knee deep in quilts..
    Thanks for linking to tgiff this week.

  5. I think giving quilts to someone you don't know is one of life's greatest pleasures. I'm sure they will be very touched by your kindness. The quilt is lovely--with an old fashioned vibe, but also modern in the off center setting.

  6. A beautiful quilt and I agree that giving a quilt to someone you don't know well is a lovely gift. I tend to do that quite often, as I have had the pleasure of the making along the way and when I give quilts away I have the pleasure of them going off in pristine condition! Also makes way for more fabric and more quilting - wins all round.

  7. this is lovely so good to had all those HSTs left over. I rarely finish mine they just get to the quilting stage but I am planning a baby quilt at the moment for a colleague of my daughter whose wife is expecting a baby.It is lovely to give and I am sure most appreciated. Most get some of mine quilted so I can off load them, now have 15 on the spare bed!

  8. Indeed I do! Often to the expecting siblings or grownup children of my friends and colleagues even if I've never met them I NEED To make wuilts and they have to go somewhere! I read an interesting theory (probably on Facebook) but along the lines of paying for quilts or sex - if I don't like you you couldn't pay me enough (to make you a quilt), but if I like you and think you'll appreciate it it's free!!!!!!

  9. PS this is gorgeous- but I would have cheated and added border after border rather than make HSTs! Xxxx

  10. I hav a love for Hal square triangles and the setting you used is one of my favorites!

  11. I often do! It's half the fun of making quilts!

  12. I haven't finished enough quilts to have any to give away yet, but I am hoping to change that this year!

    What a lovely quilt to produce from leftovers Jen :)

  13. I quilt because I enjoy quilting. I'm going to quilt even if I end up piling them in a corner. But I'd rather give them away. I have made quilts for all of my nieces and nephews, my parents, my mother-in-law, and two of my sisters-in-law. All have been appreciated. My son has 5 (he's grown and lives in a cold climate). After I made one for every family member I started donating to the local NICU, the Ronald McDonald House and making quilts as wedding presents. Granted it's more than I'd normally spend on a wedding present but I'm going to spend the money on the fabric anyway so I might as well kill two birds with one seam. Only once have I received a generic thank you note from a bride. On the other hand, I've received generic thank you notes from gifts I purchased off registries. I give the quilts because I enjoy quilting and I like the person I'm giving them to - sometimes "just because" is better than a birthday. It's a gesture that means that person means something to me.


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