
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

100 Day Challenge Quilt Edition - Kick Off post!

Welcome to the kick off of the 100 Day Challenge!  I am so excited that you are here!  I hope you have thought long and hard about which 3 things you are going to complete in the next 100 days.

Just stumbled upon this today?  To recap, we are shortening up the timetable for those New Year's Resolutions so we don't conveniently forget about them over the course of the year.  100 days is just long enough to accomplish something BIG and short enough that keeping the momentum/motivation going should be easier.

1) Pick 3 specific Quilty/Craft goals - finish some UFO's?  try something new?  make that baby quilt?  declutter/destash?  easy/hard?  Doesn't matter, just be specific.  Specificity helps so we don't justify changing our goals midyear or rationalizing that we generally completed them when we only tried.
2) Today, leave your 3 goals in a comment below, or write your own blog post with your intentions and link them up to the linky below.  Writing them down and posting them on the interwebs will give you a feeling of accountability to the universe.
3) Cheer each other on!  I've even created a hashtag for those of you on Twitter and Instagram: #100daychallengequilts
4) Get to work - this part is all up to you!  Did I mention that I hope we will all cheer each other on?!?!!!  Support is so nice.
5) Check in linky's will be posted at Day 30, Day 60, and Day 85.  (You can also tell us your progress in the comments section of the post that day if you don't want to link up).
6) Finale will be April 15th (easy to remember as it is tax day in the US), when you will tell us how you did on your goals.
7) Celebrate!!  Perhaps pick 3 more things to do next??

Kick off Link up:

Don't forget, you may also just leave your 3 things in a comment on this post.

My 3 things:

1) Finish Lazy Bums blocks - 15 in total
2) Blog - get back to blogging twice a week
3) Finish (including starting) Technicolor Galaxy

Thanks for reading,



  1. Thanks for the motivation My three things will be to
    1-finish binding on a birthday quilt due by April 30
    2-start and finish a wedding gift quilt(chevron pattern)
    3-complete a charity baby blanket I have been crocheting(1/3 completed)
    Hope all are successful

    1. Diane,

      Those sound like 3 very doable items! I am sure you will be successful and completely rock each one! You go girl!

  2. This is a wonderful idea. The time line is great, easy to accomplish but not too long to 'forget' about. Here are my three
    1 Complete the top,layer and quilt my sticks and stones lap quilt.
    2 Finish quilting my Sugar and Spice lap quilt which has been half done for several months.
    3. This is the big one, I'm usually a watcher rather than a participant, BUT, I am starting a blog!!! I don't know how to work it and I am waiting for delivery of a new laptop as I struggle on a tablet bot I have a name and I will start posting once a week at smilesfromkate.

    1. Kate, I would have replied via email, but it looks like you are a no reply blogger. My settings changed over the New Year too. If I figure out how to change them back, I will let you know.

      Anyway...welcome and great goals! I'm sure it will feel so good to get that Sugar and Spice quilt done if you have been looking at it for a few months. I have a few of those projects laying around my studio too and whenever I finish one, it feels like such a huge victory! I am also looking forward to seeing your sticks and stones quilt too!

      AND starting a blog?? HOORAY!!! I keep telling everyone, that is a goal that benefits us all! I will be looking for your weekly posts and cheering you on!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Jen, and thank you so much for your kind and lovely comments.

      I have had a play around and, with a little help from a friend, have changed the settings and made my first post.

      I'm still figuring out how it works and I don't know how to link up but it's the first one checked on the list.


  3. Oh my God, I blogged! Thanks for this challenge Jen to give me the kick in the rear to get it done!

  4. I love the 100 days idea!
    1. Finish matchstick quilting purple batiks quilt;
    2. Sandwich, quilt and bind baby quilt (top and backing made)
    3. Sandwich, quilt and bind baby quilt #2 (top and backing made)

  5. 1. Complete at least 2 of my carry over projects from 2015
    2. Decrease my stash by 50 yards or more -- through destash or use
    3. Make time to blog every week and link up with other bloggers.

  6. I am going to give this a try. The three on my list are:
    1. Bind the king size quilt.
    2. Make Georgi Giraffe Baby quilt.
    3. Complete Aurfil Designer 2014 quilt.
    Wishing all the best to everyone as we travel the next hundred days.

    1. Wonderful goals Anne!

      I've have finished a couple of king size quilts in the past and the binding always seems like such a chore......BUT, when it is done, it is DONE!! And it is so rewarding to be able to say you spanked that King Size Quilt! You go girlie!

      I am also looking forward to seeing your baby quilt and Aurifil Designer quilt! We will all be cheering you along!

      Now, go bind that monster!

  7. 1. Make more blocks,and finish my Gardenvale quilt top
    2. Make 80 more Tula City blocks
    3. Make lining, finish raincoat
    Oh, and quilt three tops,too. Thanks for the nudge, boost, push 😁

  8. I am going to join you in this 100 day challenge. I have heard it takes 21 days to form a habit. So hopefully in 100 days I can change one of mine.
    1. Press instead of iron. (So my blocks will be straight.)
    2. Finish one quilt on my mid-arm. (Really need to get it up and going.)
    3. Made a decision on whether to start a Blog. Learn what is involved, start a Blog or put idea to rest.

    1. Gi, welcome! I must admit that, I too, iron sometimes instead of press. That is a great habit to change. Now, I can't believe you have a mid-arm and haven't gotten it up an running! Hello?! Imagine how much faster all your Lazy Bum challenges will go with that baby! I wish I had a mid-arm to help me! Finally, you should start a blog! Your projects are lovely, and starting a blog is so easy. Just do it!

      Now get to work! I will be cheering you on!

  9. 1. Make something with the Toes in the Sand blocks I have already created.
    2. Make block 1 of Leah Day's Machine Quilting quilt along. I already purchased the pattern, just need to work on it.
    3. Finish my Swoon block as a mini quilt. The top is made, just need to sandwich, quilt and bind.

  10. What a great idea! I've got several goals, so choosing three should be

    1. Clear out space and rearrange things in the studio to *finally* set up my George.

    2. Get my #secretsewing project started (and finished!) before February 1.

    3. Finish the (three) round robin quilts that have been languishing far too long!!

    There are numerous other, smaller, projects as well, but these are the biggies. Getting them done would unclog a lot of anxiety/stress, and I'll be better able to do more after these are done!!

  11. Hi Jen - happy new year - this sounds like a doable number for my list -I'm going to do a blog post but my three things are - mickey and minnie pixel quilts (new), my small world quilt (top done - to be hand quilted), and a present for my mom for mother's day (secret) !

  12. Happy 2016, Jen. This is a great idea. I hope to:
    1. Finish a dresden/bedsized/late for Christmas quilt.
    2. Finish a crochet blanket.
    3. Make a small art quilt.

  13. Happy 2016, Jen. This is a great idea. I hope to:
    1. Finish a dresden/bedsized/late for Christmas quilt.
    2. Finish a crochet blanket.
    3. Make a small art quilt.

  14. I don't blog much anymore, but I do IG a lot. I really need a focus of some what, for all things quilty. So I want to join, but I'm a little late.
    1. The two Memory/memorial tshirt quilts.
    2. A mini wall hanging for myself.
    3. Finish one WIP I have just sitting and waiting.

    Hope you don't mind a late comer.


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.