
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vacation edition 1 - Building Blocks Tuesday

We are having a wonderful vacation!  I was hoping to share a few photos here, but haven't quite figured out how to upload them to my new laptop - perhaps later today during naptime, or tomorrow, or the next day.  Hey, I'm on vacation, right?

I have no new blocks to show you today, but I am interested in what you have been making.  So what have you been working on this week?  I want to know!

Link up your fabulous blocks.  You put a lot of hard work into them - show them off!  This free linky will stay open for a whole week.

Quilter in the Closet


1) Please link up only to the page in your blog showing your wonderful blocks, not just the blog homepage.  Flickr pictures are also OK.
2) Make sure to put your blog name as the description so people know where they are going or the name of your block!
3) Please grab my button and post it in your blog post or sidebar.
4) Visit other linky participants!

Thanks for reading!



  1. So long since I linked up I have 6 blocks to share - fortunately there's 2 in each blog post so there's only 3 link ups! Hope you're having a fab holiday and don't worry about the photos, they really can wait!!! :)

  2. Linked up -- I need people to help with suggestions on sashing and arrangement for an ongoing Block of the week project


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.