
Monday, July 1, 2013

June progress and July goal setting

I am so lucky to have my husband.  He took the girls away to the mountains for a night this past weekend so I could have a little alone time before a week of "Camp Mommy", followed by 3 weeks of vacation with the girls.  I had a lovely evening out with a friend, then spent nearly all of Sunday working on my "Gigantor" Impromptu quilt.  (It is still unfinished, but close.)  I was so immersed in quilting that I completely forgot about all the end of the month link ups, etc.  Oh well.  I can still report my progress and set my goals for next month (what few I have).

June UFO's:
  • I made very little progress on my Beginner QAL quilt.  In fact, I decided piecing the backing was ridiculous.  So I took a coupon to Joann's and picked out some pink backing fabric.  Perhaps in July I will get it basted.
  • I DID finish the SID on my Handmade Medallion quilt.  I will get back to the hand quilting soon.

June New FO's

So here's a quick summary of New FO's I wanted to tackle in June:
  • new ironing board cover - DONE!  But I haven't taken a picture of it yet.
  • sewing machine mat and cover - Mat in progress, cover not started
  • Sewing mat WIP
  • Swoon - cutting of colors done, need to finish the cutting of background, and get going.  I realized when I made the Swoon block for the sewing machine mat, that the cutting for the HST's is a little tight.  Of course, that was AFTER I did all the cutting of the colors.  So when I go to put them together, I will have to be very careful.
  • Impromptu - pieced, basted, and partially quilted!  This one is nearly done!  If you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter, you've already seen a sneak peak.  But I can't wait to show you the finished quilt!  It would be so nice to finish up before we leave for vacation but I doubt it will happen.  I have to be realistic, right?

July UFO's
  • Finish "Gigantor"
  • Baste Beginner QAL quilt

my basting table is drowning

July New FO's
  • Bring some kind of hand project with us on vacation - this will probably be some form of hexi's because I have a ton of the precut papers.
  • Have fun

Today was Day 1 of "Camp Mommy" (where the kids are at home instead of at a summer camp). It has been interesting.  While giving the girls a sewing lesson in the garage this morning, Lizzy managed to lock us out of the house!  That was around 9:30.  The rest of the day went alright, but I wonder what will happen next.  I am now wearing a house key, just in case.

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with:
My Button



  1. Oh no, locked out if the house! I am giggling but feel your pain...good luck with day 2!

  2. Good luck on your goals this month.

  3. What a guy to take the girls and give you a day, Kudos to your husband. And locked out on day one? So sorry, but it did make me smile. Your swoon block looks great.

  4. we don't have the same camp tradition, kids are off for six weeks and usually spend it with mum if she doesn't work, or both parents take a few weeks off, or its paid childcare and / or grandparents.

    he's great to give you some time, hope it didn't take too long to get back into the house!

    ps, my cousin is staying and loves the daisy "tampon. tub" i did tell her it arrived with a mug inside!!!!


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