
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April progress and May goal setting

Whew!  April sure did come and go quickly.  I can't believe how quickly!

Let's get down to business.

April UFO's

I wanted to finish my Beginner QAL quilt, and Les Amis Baby Quilt.  Well at least the later is done:

Les Amis top

And the BQA quilt did progress in some ways.  I put on the final borders and started piecing the backing.  Some of the pieces are rather small.  Why I don't take my own advice about these things, I will never know! I'm holding off more pictures until it is done!  The suspense isn't affecting anyone, I am sure.

April New FO's

I was certain that I would start on my Hands 2 Help Charity quilt.  Our quilts are not due until June,but I wanted to cross something off my to-do list well in advance.  Yeah, that didn't really happen since I was actually given a perfectly reasonable deadline to make my friend's baby boy quilt.

I am happy to report that progress was made on this one!  It is all pieced and the SID is finished!  I am really hoping to finish this one for a Friday finish, so I'm going to hold off on pics of it too.  Here is where I last left it with you guys.

Scoot WIP

 Can't wait, can you?

May  UFO's

I am determined to do something with this:

Fusible rose

Since I have a spot on the "Say it with Flowers" blog hop that starts towards the end of the month, it seems only fitting that I dust this UFO off and do something with it.  It's only been a few years after all.

May New FO's

Well now that the baby boy quilt is almost done, it's time to do my charity quilt for Hands 2 Help. I've decided on the design, and it is all ready for cutting!

H2H 2013 logo

Thanks for reading today,


Linking up with:
My Button



  1. Your projects are darling. You've done a great job.

  2. Love the quilt at the top. It's beautiful.

  3. All progress is good progress Jen! Looking forward to seeing your Friday finishes!

  4. Some lovely UFOs there, hope you get time o do all that you want!

  5. That is a darling baby quilt, and the charity blocks are too cute!


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