
Monday, April 8, 2013

2nd Quarter Goal Setting - 2013 Finish Along

Just a quick post to formalize my goal setting for the next quarter.  This 2nd quarter list will take me to June, when things really get crazy around here with the kids out of school.  I should try to make the most of them still attending classes, while I can, because my 3rd quarter list will undoubtedly be more sparse.

Here it goes:
  • Beginner QAL quilt - need to finish it.  I still need to add outer borders, back, baste and quilt it.
  • BQA top WIP
  • Les Amis Baby quilt - This one is partially quilted
  • Les Amis top
  • Baby Boy quilt - my friend is due in July, so I need to get going on this one
  • Hands 2 Help quilt - I signed up for this year's charity drive and quilts are due in June.
  • I also have my bee commitments
    • Star of Africa Bee - I am 2 months behind, plus I will have 3 more during the quarter
    • Skill Builder QAL - I still have 6 blocks from last quarter, plus another 6 from this quarter
    • Lucky Star BOM - will have 3 to do.
    • We Bee Learning Bee - 2 blocks per month for 3 months
    • Simply Solids Bee - 1 block per month for 3 months
    • Make it Modern Bee - April is my month, so I will only have 2 blocks per month for 2 months
  • For the Birds Blog Hop item for a May date tbd
  • I would also really like to start on a quilt for my own bed!  I've chosen the pattern, and started collecting fabrics.  Truthfully, it will be a miracle if I even get it into a top in this time frame.
That's a lot of stuff!  There is also a potential for all my goal setting to be for nothing.  If we decide to move this quarter, I will be lucky to keep up with my bee commitments while packing/moving.  But, at the moment, there is no house to move into, so I better get cookin'!   I hope you will come back to cheer me on!

Thanks for reading today,


she can quilt


  1. Nice list! I really like your Beginner QAL quilt... So pretty.

  2. Fun! I have decided no more lists for me, but I am doing the mug rug and bird blog hops too! Where are you moving?

  3. That Les Amis quilt is so pretty… Man, you really do like to make your lists challenging, don't you? :-)


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