
Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Winner's Joy! - the winner of the Joy charm packs is....

Ashley picking showcasing winner
Ashley showcasing the winner
Congratulations!  The winner of the 3 charm packs of Joy by Kate Spain is.....

Tammy!  Who said that the most "joy was when my son, who is autistic, graduated from high school with a real diploma, not a certificate.  It was a long battle, and took a little while longer than we hoped.  But he accomplished it....So happy I cried."

I cried a little too, hearing her joy!  Tammy has been notified via email of her win.

I really enjoyed reading what everyone is joyful about this year.  For most it was family, children, new babies, good health, new jobs, or spending time with loved ones.  All excellent reasons to be joyful!  I am certainly joyful for all those things too, and for the ability and time to create quilting projects.

I hope everyone is entering my blogiversary giveaway too.  Enter on this post if you are interested in more fabric!

Now for those of you interested in how the winner was chosen for this giveaway, let me share.  I really wasn't expecting so many entries.  My initial thought was that I would print out the 25 or so entries I received and have Ashley choose.  When I discovered that there were nearly 500 entries, I started looking for alternatives.  I thought about subscribing to, a service some blogs use for choosing winners. But, my comments aren't numbered, so that posed a problem.  And, you have to do Rafflecopter ahead of time.  Back to the original plan.  I printed up all the comments, cut them up into strips and put them in a bag for Ashley to choose.  It took me a while, but Ashley was delighted with the plan.

The pool of winners
The bag of 500 entries.

Ashley digging for winner
Ashley digging for a winner

Ashley picking winner
Ashley picking the winner!

She was happy help!  But I will be figuring out how to number my comments in the future!

A huge "Thanks" for all who entered, and for those that became new followers.  I am delighted!

Have a good weekend!



  1. I used this to get my giveaway comments numbered last night... hope it helps!

  2. Hurray for Tammy and congratulations to her son!

    (Ashley is adorable.)

  3. I can help's not too hard but you'll need to do some HTML tweaking. It's pretty simple. Send me a note and I can call you one night after 9 est if you want me to walk you through it.

  4. Thank you "sew" much. And thank Ashley for doing such a wonderful job choosing my name. I look forward to the fabric arriveing. I will have new eye candyt o look at , touch and drool over for a bit until I decide what I will make with it...Thank you again.

  5. Your assistant did a splendid job...I hope she was well rewarded in the choklit dpt,

    Fiona x

  6. What an obliging daughter you have, so much more fun too than a computer generated winner :)

  7. Congratulations Tammy, and well done Ashley, great job!


I had to shut off comments for a long time because I was just getting spammed. I'm going to try moderation for a while and see if that helps. Please leave me a comment.