
Friday, November 9, 2012

Halftime! - 100 Day Hustle

I can hardly believe we are HALF way through the 100 Day Hustle!  My head is spinning. Thanks to a good start, I am still on track with my list (though I have made very little progress since the 1/3 mark).

Mosaic from the 1/3 mark of the Hustle
Since then, I have also finished:

These HUGE 33 inch square pillowcases for the preschool.  I had to stuff 4 of my couch pillows inside to give you an idea of the size. Tookie helped, of course.  

These are a few of the flannel ones.
rainbow kitties anyone??
Hmm, I guess I've only finished pillowcases since then.  It is completely silly that these took up so much time!  Ah well!  That's the way it goes sometimes.

Here's My list:
  • 12 Bee blocks for the 3 x 6 Bee - DONE
  • 3 blocks for the Star of Africa bee - One down, two to go!
  • Blocks for the Leafs Me Happy Blog Hop -DONE, you can see them here.
  • Pillowcases for my daughter's preschool - DONE.  9 pillowcases total!  I went through all the fabric that the school gave me, but it didn't make as many pillowcases as they hoped.  Luckily, I recently won a grab bag full of, mostly horrid, fabric in a raffle at a guild meeting.  Since the kids will probably actually like rainbow kitty cats, cows and chickens, rainbow teddy bears (Hoffman fabric circa 1991), and little sea creatures (timeless treasures circa 1996!), I made some additional pillowcases with that fabric.  I think my work is done for a little while.
  • Finish Totally Groovy - partially done.  I still need to patch up the holes and label it properly.
  • Quilt the Batik Stripe quilt - DONE
  • small gifties for a few of my bee mates - I have a few started, one done.  
  • Another small gift for my daughters' teachers (2) - not started :(, but these should go quickly once I get them going.
  • The Sashiko coasters from my Handstitched class - DONE and already gifted to someone.
  • finish the Vintage Holiday QAL quilt - this one is awaiting quilting.
  • Finish Olivia's applique quilt - the blocks are done but need to be pieced together into a top, then backed, quilted, etc.
I also ended up adding a few items:
  • Hurricane Sandy blocks - 9 made so far.
  • Christmas decorations - I want to make some wall art, and perhaps a few ornaments.

How are you doing on your list?


Kelsey Sews


  1. That is a gigantic pillow!!! Love your leaf table runner too :)

  2. You are really rocking your list! Those pillowcases will be very well loved by their new owners!

  3. How great to find a use for that vintage (!) fabric so quickly. I am sure the children will love the pillows.

    You are definitely whittling down that list.

  4. Way to tackle that list! I love the brown fabric with the awesome creatures on it that you used for the pillows. And that is so nice of you to help with the hurricane sandy blocks! I hope you rock your second 50 days just as much as your first.

  5. Congrats, looks like you crossed a few of the larger items off your list!


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