
Friday, May 18, 2012

Get your improv on! - Finish Friday

placemat top

Yes, you are right, the placemat above isn't actually "finished" yet.  I decided today to piece together another placemat for this month's Free Motion Challenge piece.  I just felt that Leah Day's design was more modern and I couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into the placemat I made originally.  So, I will save that other one for another month.

For this one, I just used a bunch of scraps from the solids I cut on Wednesday for my solid bee group.  The one's from the front tended to be of similar sizes, thus the strips.  I even used a bunch of orange - a personal victory considering I really don't like orange that much!  On the back, I had even more more fun just piecing together what was left.  There were a few other improvisational blocks that didn't fit onto this month's placemat, so who knows, perhaps this one will actually get a matching partner at some point!
placemat back

Since it is already time to go get the kids for their afternoon activities, I didn't have a chance to actually QUILT this month's motif.  But, at least it is here all ready to go, when I do get a chance!

Hope you are all out there quilting away!


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