
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Yes, yes, but what have you been DOING?

What have I been doing?  This week has been pretty busy!  Art with the kindergartners on Wednesday, baby home sick on Thursday, baby well on Friday so Art with 3rd graders on Friday, our usual craziness today (Saturday).  Every chance I've had to string 20 minutes together has been spent on the peacock quilt.  It is nearly done at this point; final completion should be Monday if all kids are healthy and if I can manage to quilt despite breaking the open toe free motion foot that I have only had ONE WEEK!!!  I am a little upset about this, but am trying to think of other things at the moment....

As a rule, I try not to let the fact that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing, stop me from trying new things.  In the process of finishing this quilt I have tried several new things, with moderate success.  In fact, I have learned so much making this quilt that it has inspired me to make a new page with "lessons learned"  AKA "airing my dirty laundry (with regard to quilt making only!)".  The problem is that I learned so much that I wonder if I should post a little at a time, then summarize on a page???  Decisions, decisions.  Look for posts next week after the quilt is done.

Here are some pictures of the progress.

You can see that I have marked the last little bits that I want to quilt.  I used a white sewline pencil.  Since I've made a few "dark" colored quilts thus far, I have tried a few white pencils, and I must say I like this one the best.  The ease with which the marking goes onto the fabric is what really strikes me.  And it comes off cleanly too.

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